Yve of Sisne

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For Yve, strength meant everything. After five years of combat training in Yamore Dimía, she finally became a knight of the King's Army. It had usually taken a recruit three to four tries to become a soldier but it only took her one attempt and finally, after three years, she was able to be initiated to become a knight by the King's Sword and Yve had done it. Yes, she was the youngest and only female soldier to become knighted by the King and yet, everyone turned a blind eye on her accomplishments, even her own father.

The Blacksmith's boy they would call her. Boy. Why does she have to be a boy to have such accomplishments? Yve knew that if she accomplished something far greater than anything the Kingdom of Varya will ever know, they cannot turn a blind eye on her anymore. They will finally see that the knight they tormented is their only source of hope.

"Guard duty?" Yve Exclaimed to her commander.

"Is that going to be a problem?" He threatened as he put his pen down on his cluttered desk. Yve stared at the dancing flamed of the lantern sitting on the desk.

"Well, no," she hesitated, "I just feel like I should be out there in the infantry, ready for battle rather than guard the princess." Yve had her doubts about the princess. In her twenty-one years of living in Varya, she never once saw this elusive princess anywhere in and out of the castle, Not even in the many balls, the castle has thrown in the past years. She was even a guard in the princess's own birthday parties and yet, her majesty was nowhere to be found. So to Yve, Princess Valencia of the Kingdom Varya was a myth and a ploy for the king and queen.

"Look, Yve, all you have to do is guard the tower of Cessis. The princess will be asleep and you will never see her. So I'm giving a free pass, take it." He brushed Yve away with a single hand gesture.

Yve hung her head low as she was ready to leave her commander's chambers. No, she couldn't just accept this. She is Sir Yve of Sisne, The youngest Knight of Varya. How can she save the kingdom if she was stuck guarding a princess she believes to not exist? Yve clenched her jaws and tightened her fists as she turned back around to her commander. He looked back up with tired eyes and with a small sigh of annoyance.

"Commander, I implore you to reconsider. A recruit can guard the princess' chambers." She insisted.

"The king will have my head on a silver platter if he knew I let a mere recruit protect the princess!" he laughed.

"I am much more help out there than guarding a princess who might not exist in here!" She exclaims. Her commander tilted his head and clasped his hands together.

"Might not exist?" He repeated. A smile began to form on his lips. "Sir Yve, do you not believe that there is a princess in the tower of Cessis?"

Yve took a small step back, she had said more than she wanted to. Her palms begin to sweat and her gaze slowly fell down to her feet. She might be a good swordsman and quick on her feet, honour and her integrity was far more important. She did not want to disrespect her commander if she lies, but she did not want to disrespect the king for believing that he would lie to his people. So, she stayed quiet. Her commander gave her a side-eye before picking his pen up once more and begin writing.

"You will guard that tower and that is an order. You might just be surprised at what you'll find." 

Yve knew better than to disobey her commander's orders so she set out into the Tower of Cessis and walked up the many steps of the spiral staircase, her armour clamouring endlessly with each step. Although her commander insisted for her to only wear chainmail armour, Yve wanted to always be ready for any attack that may come her way, which the commander didn't oppose. Yve began to doubt the commander's words. The only reason she was sent on guard duty is because of the fact that she is a woman, it had to be. It was only chivalrous of him to do so. There was no way Princess Valencia was real, no one had ever seen her and the mages who claimed to said that she had the whitest hair in all of Elysia and with one glance, she will turn any mage into stone. Surely that had to be impossible.

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