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"What are we going to do?" said Valencia, biting her nails in stress.

"We need to disguise you. Your hair, it's too white." Yve said, her eyes search around their surrounding and she took a black cloth from a clothing line and quickly wrapped around her head. "We still have a couple of minutes of darkness so we best get to the stable quickly."

"Your father saw me, he saw my hair." Valencia's fingers started to tremble and she could feel her heartbeat in her ears.

"I know. With that bounty, he'll stop at nothing until he gets it."

After a while of walking, the group had arrived at their destination. The sun had already risen and the streets began to bustle with merchants.

"Avidya," whispered Yve as she looked around the stable. "Avidya,"

Then, a head with brunette locks peeked out behind a horse. "Yve?"

"Avidya," Yve said her shoulders dropping as the young woman ran towards the knight and hugged her.

"It's been three years!" Avidya states. "Why are you here so early in the morning?"

"I was hoping you can lend me some of your horses..." she asked. Avidya looked behind Yve to see sir Godart and Valencia who was covered in a cloth behind her.

"Why?" She asked.

"It's best if you don't ask that question." Avidya looked up at The sky, the image of the princess still lingering in the day.

"Does this have to do with the message in the sky?"

"Avidya, please don't ask." She begged.

"I can only give you two horses, Yve. Three horses, my father surely notices."

"That's all we need."

"But before I do this. I need to know. I haven't seen you in three years, the least you can do is tell me what's going on." The knight hesitated and looked at Valencia behind her.

"I suppose you're right. But please, I beg of you not to speak of this with anyone at all."

"You have my word."


"You mean to tell me, that I have the princess of Varya in my home right now?" Avidya said once Yve finished explaining herself. They were inside the house of the mage, sitting in the dining room. The knight gave a look to Valencia which queued her to take off her cloth and reveal her platinum white hair. Avidya covered her gaping mouth with her hand. "I didn't expect you to be real. Everyone who claimed they have seen you disappears."

"They're in the dungeon... or dead." Valencia answers. "Please Avidya, it's in your best interest not to tell anyone."

"But the king... if I lie it would be treasonous would it not?" Yve looked at Valencia and back at Avidya which gave Avidya her answer. "Well then, if that's the case, I shall do my best to keep my mouth shut."

"You'd do that?" Valencia chimed in.

"I don't know much about the king, nor have I even met him. But I've met the princess and I want to help." That brought a smile to Valencia's pale face. "My father won't wake until the sun is at its peak so you'll have some time here. May I ask where you'll be going?" She said going to her kitchen and fixing teas for the company.

"Alit Vor." Yve answers.

"Alit Vor?" She repeated, handing out tea for the group. "That's all the way in Ivar and I know for a fact the Ivargans are not going to like having Varyans in their kingdom. Are you sure it's a good idea?"

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