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"Well isn't this a surprise?" The mysterious mage said. "Just when that diviner announced for your bounty." He licked his lips. He didn't have a Varyan accent, it was more eastern, Anavelkan? Dzalkian?

They were surrounded, not by mages but with a pack of wolves.

"I wouldn't do that if I were you," he said in a melodic tone as he took notice of Yve's fingers on the hilt of her sword. "My pets here will rip your wrists off."

His smile was ominous and sinister. He was pale and lanky but he blended in with the darkness around them. Was he in the Lucky Lute with them?

"I gotta hand it to you" he began as he walked closer to the group. The wolves' growl grew louder, "I almost didn't notice you walk out of the inn but my wolves have a keen sense. They sniffed you so fast." He laughed which stuck a nerve for Godart.

"There are three of us and one of you," Yve rebutted.

"True," he crossed his arms. He was too relaxed, arrogant. It made Yve's blood boil. "But I have three wolves, so technically, I have four of me." Yve gritted her teeth. "Now we can do this the easy way: bring her to me alive, or the hard way: bring her to me dead. It doesn't matter which one, I still get 100,000 kermas."

"If you want her, you'll have to get through me," Godart asserted himself, pushing Yve behind him. The mysterious mage smirked.

"You're not the sorceress. Who are you?" He tilted his head. Godart's threat didn't even strike him. he was not worried at all.

"Who are you?" He questioned back. The mage composed himself and took out his dagger, Godart unsheathed his sword.

"I am Ulliy Agaser, a bounty hunter." He introduced, bowing down. He was posh and gentlemanly, surely he wasn't just a commoner.

"Agaser? of?" Godart asked.

"Just Ulliy Agaser."

"Agaser?" Yve repeated. "That's Ivarian."

"Good eye. It means love, but I bet you knew that." he winked, which peeved Yve even more.

"What are you doing here, Ivargan?" She asked. What was an Ivargan doing in Varya? Even after all the feud with our king.

"Ivargan?" He laughed at the assumption. "Bold of you to assume I'm from Ivar. Now, quit stalling, let's do this." He spun his dagger and his pack of wolves began barking intensely. Godart gripped his sword tighter.

Ulliy cut through the air with his dagger which brought a strong gush of wind on their side and blinded Godart. Yve didn't even see what happened, it was all too fast. The next thing she knew she was swept off her feet and was carried to the other side of the two mages. She was in the arms of Ulliy.

"Yve!" Godart yelled as he pointed his sword to the bounty hunter.

"Nah-ah-ah," He said wiggling his index finger, "one wrong move and you're precious knight is a goner," He laughed. The dagger against her neck felt cold.

"Let go of me!" Yve struggles in his arms as she tries to escape but he was too strong, her armour was too heavy. blood started trickling on the dagger as she kept struggling.

"Take me!" Valencia shouts at the top of her lungs as she pushes Godart away, "You want me!"

"Val no!" Yve protested.

"Now why would I want you?" he tilted his head.

"Why do you think the king wants me alive? Why do you think the king wants her dead and me alive? Use your head!" She exclaimed.

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