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The princess's first night, it was difficult for Valencia to find Sir Yve as she did not guard the princess's tower anymore. Usually, around midnight, the knight would open her chamber doors and they would talk until the crack of dawn which gave the princess enough time to sleep. Now, she laid on her bed, staring at the door, waiting for a knock or a slight creak from the door, hoping for Sir Yve to somewhat have been able to visit the princess.

The funeral had only consisted of the council members and few servants here and there but she could not find Sir Yve in the midst of the crowd.

The king raised up his arrow and shot into the boat of where the queen had laid. As the flame grew bigger, the rest of the mages shot their arrow into the sky, including the princess herself. As everyone began to converse amongst themselves, Valencia stared at the flaming boat until the horizon took her mother.  At that very moment, Valencia has felt so ashamed of herself. She had felt like she let her mother down.

"Don't worry mom," she said to herself. "I know what you want me to do," she clenched her fist on the letter she still held onto. It was the last memory she had of her.

With that, Valencia looked back at the crowd with a plan and determination. She had to find Sir Yve and the only way to know her location is to talk to Commander Farwaters.

"Ah, your highness," Commander Farwaters greeted, "I'm so sorry for your loss." The princess gave the commander a half-smile.

"Commander," she began, "I know this is a bit of an odd request but ever since my schedule changed, I've missed practicing archery. You see, I'm quite good at it."

The commander nodded, "I've seen you shoot a couple of times, your aim is sharp." He complimented.

"Thank you," she responded, "so my request is— if there was a chance, In between my schedule, of course, you can escort me to Sir Godart just one more time for archery practice?" The commander glanced at the king who sat solemnly in his chair, drinking Veyrese wine in a large mug.

"I'd have to talk to the king first-"

"That's the issue, commander," Valencia intercepts, tugging at the commander's chain mail. "My father would never allow me to talk to Sir Godart anymore and he does not want me practicing archery since it's not really ladylike. I was wondering if we just do it without my father knowing?"

"That is against the rules, your highness. I have been ordered by the king to escort you to and fro your schedule. Derailing from your schedule is simply blasphemous." As the commander began to walk away, the princess quickly grabbed on to his forearm taking him by surprise.

"Please, commander. I've never asked for anything my whole life, I've followed the rules and obeyed my father. Just this once, I'm begging you. This is the only thing I have left." She pleaded. The commander had a troubled look on his face as he shifted from the princess to the king.

"Alright." He finally said. "We cannot get caught, alright? I fought my way to becoming a commander." Valencia gave the commander a wide smile and shook his arm. She didn't expect her begging to actually work. All she wanted is to talk to her friend again and meeting with Sir Godart just got her a step closer.

Valencia waited for days until Commander Farwaters escorted her to the knight but every time the princess asked, he would shake his head and say "not yet."

It wasn't until less than a month before her birthday that the commander finally scheduled a meeting with Sir Godart.

"You better know what you're doing, your highness, I'm staking my career for this." He warned the princess just before he opened the doors into the courtyard.

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