-ii. easy peasy

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❛ I play my cards dry ❜

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I play my cards dry

The girls sat at the end of the Gryffindor table in the Great Hall, avoiding any social interaction with- well, everyone. Here's the thing, it wasn't that no one liked the girls or anything. The opposite actually. They were very popular, nice to most people and overall acquainted with the school. Hannah was known for her impeccably fast brain, Riley was known for her beauty, and Claire was known for her humor. They were the elite power trio of Hogwarts that no one could infiltrate.

They sat away from everyone because they hated when people listened in on their conversations which was something that happened often. Everyone wanted in on their little triangle but hence the word tri meaning three meaning no one else allowed.

Headmaster Dumbledore stood up making the hall go silent. "I am very happy to welcome each of you to a brand new year at Hogwarts. Before we begin I would like to say a few words. Here they are, Nitwit! Blubber! Oddment! Tweak! Thank you!" The old man sat back down and earned a round of applause. The newcomers were confused but the students who knew of the man already stared at him knowingly.

Food of all sorts appeared on the table and what stopped Claire from grabbing only macaroni and cheese? Nothing. So that's just what she did.

"You can't only eat mac n' cheese, Claire," Hannah told the girl.

"Of course I can, see?" Claire said stuffing her mouth which made Hannah roll her eyes and Riley laugh.

"So, what do you think those four are gonna do this year?" Riley asked, referring to the so-called Marauders and their famous beginning of the term prank. They were four Gryffindor boys who stirred trouble everywhere they went. One of them happened to be James Potter, the boy Claire couldn't get off her mind.

"Hopefully nothing big, I don't think I can do bats again this year," Claire admitted.

"Or slime, ugh, that stuff what stuck in my ears for weeks," Hannah complained, reminiscing on the beginning of fourth-year prank.

"Are you still fawning over Potter?" Riley asked Claire making the girl choke on her macaroni.

"Shh! Not so loud, they'll hear you," Claire panicked.

"Oh calm down, they're at the other side of the table," Hannah pointed out. "So are you?"

"Yes, obviously, he's the love of my life of course," Claire said as if it was common knowledge. The girls looked at her pointedly. "Don't look at me like that."

"We've talked about this Claire," Riley began.

"I know, I know, he loves Evans -blah- but it's not like I actually expect anything to happen. It's all a fantasy," Claire insisted.

"Good, don't want Sad Claire. We know how that went last time," Riley recalled. Sad Claire was a period of time in their third year when James wouldn't go a day without making it known to everyone that he loved Lily Evans. Claire was heartbroken and although only her friends knew why, it was obvious to most students that something was deeply hurting her.

"Well, that won't happen. Sad Claire is saved for another occasion. I'm much more mature now and know not to let a silly boy ruin my school year." Claire confirmed. The girls looked at her then sighed and moved on from the topic. If there was one thing they knew about their dear Claire, then it was that when she fell for someone, she fell hard. Who knows where she and her feelings for James Potter would take her.

The feast ended shortly with the prefects leading the first years to their common rooms and everyone else dispersing with them. The trio walked far behind the crowd and talked aimlessly amongst themselves. They only turned around when they heard Riley's surname called from behind them. There stood, in all their glory, The Marauders.

Sirius Black, a flirtatious boy with a head full of curly black hair and an ego the size of Hagrid the gamekeeper. Remus Lupin, a tall boy with mysterious scars along his face that no one quite knew the story behind and a kind aura. Peter Pettigrew, a rather pudgy boy with blonde hair and a small voice that wasn't often used for talking to girls like his friends'. Lastly, James Potter, black hair, hazel eyes, toned body, and a smirk that never left his face. He was perfect in Claire's opinion.

"Yes, Black?" Riley answered cooly. The four stopped in front of them.

"I was thinking, we could maybe start dating," he said so nonchalantly, Claire couldn't help but wonder where he got all his confidence from and if she could get some of it.

Riley looked over at Remus and said, "Is he being serious?" Remus chuckled at the girl but also rolled his eyes at his friend who was going to drop the million-dollar joke.

"Yes I am Sirius, you already knew that, Love."

"You stopped us for that?" Riley asked. Sirius nodded happily making Riley raise an eyebrow and turn around to strut away, Hannah followed after but Claire forgot how to walk when her eyes met his.

"Claire!" Hannah's voice snapped, making the girl zone back in and realize she was standing alone in front of the group.

"Oh-" she muttered, turning around and jogging up to her friends who had almost left without her had it not been for Hannah. When they were out of earshot from the boys, Claire took the opportunity to speak up, "Ha, he looked at me."

When they arrived at their dormitory, they didn't waste a second on gossiping or chatting, they only got ready for bed and before they knew it, they were sound asleep. If the rest of the sixth year was going to be something like this then it'll be easy peasy.

Well, I think it's safe to say that this was just not the case. The sixth-year was anything but easy peasy.

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