The Wakeup

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As pepper walk down the stairs to Tony's workshop she doesn't see him, so she enters her code and steps in. She looks around but can't find him, then she hears a little snoring coming from behind a big toolbox, she goes around and sees a little boy, around the age of 5, with almost black, short hair and a little blue light coming from under his shirt. She suspects it might be Tony but instead of panicking she calls fury
Pepper waits the news in a S.H.E.I.L.D. waiting room when a doctor comes in. Pepper asks the doctor, "is he awake?" The doctor replies, "he is not awake and we don't want to have to put drugs in his system to wake him up, so I was wondering if you had an idea on how to wake him up." "Pizza!" "I'm sorry but I'm afraid I don't understand." "Pizza! If you can get me a slice of pepperoni pizza I can wake him up." "ok...." the doctors talks into his wrist and asks for a piece of pepperoni pizza in room 1. Once in room one Pepper can't help but notice how adorable little Tony is, of course he was always hot but this was just crazy cute. soon a chef brings in a slice of still warm pizza and hands it to Pepper, she takes it and walks over to the little sleeping Tony. She then says a bit too loudly, " Tony wake up, I have pizza!!" Then Tony jerks awake and yells in a little voice, "Where, I want pizza, I swear if you don't give it to me I'll have my dad fire you!!" Pepper giggles at the reaction and hands the pizza to him, she then goes and tells the doctor, "yep this is definitely the Tony Stark." When Tony finishes the slice of pizza in a record time of exactly 1 minute and 16 seconds he then looks down at himself and screams, Pepper and the doctors both rush over to him and ask him what's wrong and he yells, " WHAT IS THIS IN MY CHEST!! THIS IS NOT SUPPOSED TO BE HERE!!! ARE YOU PEOPLE ALIENS OR SOMETHING CUZ I KNOW IM A GENIUS BUT PLEASE DONT TAKE MY BRAIN!!!! PLEASE!!" Pepper is lost for words so she starts off by saying, " No Tony, we are not aliens." She then tries to change the topic by saying, "Who ever said you were a genius?" "Obie did, where's Obie? I want Obie!!......" "Do you want another piece of pizza?" Pepper asks hoping it will clear his head "YA!" The chef rushed back out of the room to get a box of pizza.

Pepper and Avengers Babysit Little Tony StarkDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora