Chapter 1

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"Wake up Inayah!" I heard someone shouting at me to wake up. I ignored the voice and put the pillow over my ears.

"It's January 3rd," my eyes shot open as I remembered that today is Iqra's birthday. In front of me stood my 14 year old sister Iram with an angry look on her face. I turned to my right and looked at my clock and saw it was 9:00.

"You have got 10 minutes to get ready as you need to go and pick up the cake at 9:45. Anya is already here waiting for you for the past 30 minutes. Get your lazy self out of the bed and get ready before I..."

"Has Iqra woken up yet?" I interrupted her before she could say anything else.

"No she hasn't but is going to wake up soon, so get out of bed and get ready!" As soon as my sister turned to leave the room I ran to the bathroom and took a quick shower. I wrapped my towel around me and went to my walk in closet. As I was deciding what to wear I heard my name being called again. I quickly put on a black maxi dress and a black top underneath it as the maxi was sleeveless. I put black leggings and a black hijab on all in 3 minutes. Then I put on mascara and eyeliner as those are the only things that I like. "INAYAH!!"

"COMING!!" I ran down the stairs and there was my best friend Anya waiting for me by the door, wearing black skinny jeans, with a blue denim top and a black scarf.

Anya was an only child, we met in college and became the bestest of friends. She was like a twin sister to me and new everything about me.
She clicked her fingers in front of me and asked, "where are you lost?"

"Oh nothing. Come on let's go before Iqra wakes up." I replied.

I put on my black flats and we then rushed out of the door. Standing out from all the other cars was my white Audi q7. Our driver, uncle Da'wud was already waiting for us by the car . Uncle Da'wud was my favourite out of all of the others as he was like my second father and understood me the most. He passed the keys to me and I offered him a grateful smile.

"Stay safe, habibti."

"Don't worry, amo Da'wud." With that I entered the driver seat and Anya got into the passenger seat.

"We are surely going to be late, it's 9:30." Anya worriedly said.

By the look on my face she knew exactly what I was going to do as she hurriedly put on her seatbelt, I put on the radio and my favourite nasheed came on, 'for the rest of my life' by Maher Zain. As soon as she put her seatbelt on, I stepped on the gas pedal and drove to the bakery store in less than 10 minutes. Luckily there was no police around otherwise I would have gone straight to jail. It normally would have taken 15 minutes to get to the bakery store but because of my driving skills we reached quickly. We unbuckled our seat belts and ran into the bakery store. There was a really long que so we had to wait.

I remember when me and Anya went to the mall and there was a really long que similar like this. Anya couldn't wait because she is very impatient and told people sad stories about her life, which weren't true, and we reached the front of the line in no time.

By the look on Anya's face, she was going to do it again but I grabbed her wrist and said no. She made a puppy dog face which gets everyone else to listen to her but not me. "No Anya!"

"But why. Come on, have you seen how long the line is." Anya whined.

"It's not fair on the other people who have been waiting way longer than us. Look there's only one more person and then our turn. The line isn't very long now as you were arguing."

She made a humph sound and turned around not facing me. I knew she wouldn't be angry with me for that long. I started counting down in my head,


"Ok fine! Can you talk to me know?" she said with a pout on her face.

"Aw come here." I gave her a hug and then we started talking about random stuff until it was our turn.

"Hi. What would you like to order?" A slim girl with blonde hair and quite a lot of make up asked. I saw her name tag on her shirt which said kara.

"Hey. Actually I ordered a chocolate cake last week that said, 'happy birthday princess' on it." I said to the girl named kara. She asked me for my address and card details etc...

"One minute, i'll be right with you." On saying that she left and went to another room. After two or three minutes had passed the lady came back with a box in her hands. We gave her the money and went to my car.

We needed to go to the shops to get some decorations, I handed the cake to Anya and got into the car.
We reached the shops and got what we needed. Occupied with the decorations in my hands, I paid no mind to what was ahead of me and crashed straight into a wall. Dropping everything to the floor, an excruciating pain ran through my head. Immediately Anya rushed to my side and burst out laughing. This was expected of my stupid bestfriend as I had done quite a similar thing a few weeks back. I guess this was payback.

Leaving her with a heated glare, I hastily gathered the stuff from the floor and made my way to my car. Putting the stuff in the boot, I entered the drivers seat, seeing from my peripheral vision my crazy friend running like a hyena. She entered the passenger seat, still not being able to hold her laughter in. However it soon died down, when I jerked the car causing her to hit her head, now it was my time to laugh. We called it a truce and headed home.

Author's note:
Salam guys, hope you are well. I wanted to say that I don't know where I'll be going with this story, but I just felt like writing one. I'm not going to lie, this is my first time doing this and I would really appreciate your support, comment and let me know how it is.

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