Chapter 5

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Opening my eyes, I blink a couple of times to get them adjusted to my surroundings. All around me was complete darkness with a little window right at the top allowing some light to enter.

I tried moving my hands in order to fix myself and try getting out of this place however failing as both my hands and feet were tied to a chair.

"Argh." Grumbling to myself I started to take a knife out from the side of my arm that was strapped to me. I always carried a knife since that dreadful incident and wouldn't leave the house without it.

"Stop moving, what do you think you're doing?"

My head shot up at the sound of another voice, looking around, left and right yet not being able to locate the source of sound.

"Stop moving." The person growled.

"Where are you?"

"Behind you, dammit."

I realised that we were back to back and one long rope was tied all the way around both of us. So if one of us moved the other would too.

I tried to turn to look at the person, further causing the person distress.

"I said..." another low growl erupted from the person.

"Oops sorry, I won't do it again. Whats your name?" After receiving no reply, I further asked, "What are you doing here?" After being met with the silence, I remained quiet.

Having had enough of this person, I was just about to start cutting the rope when it fell loose in front of me.

Still confused as to how that had happened, I didn't realise the person start to walk out.

"You coming or not?" He asked with his back towards me. From this point I could see that it was a guy who looked to be around one or two years older than me.

Looking at him in shock I quickly untied the ropes on my hands and feet, and rushed to follow him, safely tucking the knife back into my arm.

"I'm here. Let's go."

The only way to get out was through the door and the door only opened from the outside, so I knew we had no chance of getting out. Turning to go back, I heard a click and the door slowly opening.

"Woah, how did you manage to do that?" By now I should have known that talking to this guy was useless.

"Follow me, quietly." The guy said in a low voice.

Slowly I started to follow him, all the while gazing at how white this place was. After walking down a hallway that seemed to never end, we had reached a door. The guy slowly opened it and the hot air rushed to embrace me. We both stepped out, not before hearing "OI, STOP RIGHT THERE." Knowing it was the guards, who were supposed to be guarding us, we ran. They probably thought that it would be impossible to get out of that room so there weren't as many guards around.

We ran along the pathway, then took a turn to the forest as we knew it would be harder for them to keep up with us there. I turned to look over my shoulder to see if there was anyone following us. Seeing no one behind us I turned back round only to end up crashing my head into a tree. "AAAH!" Screaming a cry of pain,  I dropped to the floor whilst trying to stop the gush of blood rushing out of my head. I brought my hand back and saw my whole hand covered in blood, bringing back unwanted memories. Not being able to handle the different memories rushing through my head, I welcomed the darkness.


I opened my eyes just in time to see a car swerve abruptly in front of me. Recognising it instantly, I rush to go to it, whilst my brother Ishaaq jumps out of the car and comes to embrace me.

"Habibty, what happened to your head? How did you escape?"

My dad had made us all rings with a tracker in it which we all wore on our middle fingers, which must have been how my brother found me. I looked around to see many other cars as well with many guards rushing out and checking the surroundings. With them was amo Da'wud. He came to me and immediately gave me a hug.

"How are you habibty? What happened to your head?" Amo Da'wud asked the same question my brother just asked.

"My head?" Slowly I touched my head and realised a handkerchief had been wrapped around my head. Coming to the conclusion that the guy must have done this and that this was his handkerchief.

"Actually, this guy over here..." I turned to look at the guy, yet no one was there. It seemed as if he had vanished. I would have been worried about him but he seemed to know his way around here, which arose many questions in my mind.

"Which guy Inayah?"

"Well he..." stopping abruptly, I realised I didn't even see his face, all I remember was his black silky hair. How could that be?


We had just entered the house and my mum, brothers and sisters rushed to me. My mum engulfed me in a hug and started showering me with kisses.

"Mama, I'm fine."

"Ya habibty, I've told you so many times..." before my mum could start her rant, Ishaaq interrupted, "Mama, we should go inside and let her rest first." My mum nodded and we made our way to the living room, not before I gave a quick hug to Ibrahim and Iram, and then picked up Iqra and carried her to the living room. I looked around for my dad only to find him in the living room standing by the fireplace.

Me and my dad never had a close relationship so I wasn't the one to go and give him a hug. Upon entering he turned to look at me, nodded his head and asked if I was okay. Replying with, "Alhamdulillah," I took a seat on the sofa.

My mum spoke up, "Are you okay, how did you escape?"

"Well, there was this other guy with me as well. He was tied up too and got us out of there." I gave a short and simple answer as I was too tired to give the full story.

My dad then spoke up, "Who was he?"

"I don't know. I didn't get to see his face. It was quite weird. How did you guys know something was wrong?"

Ishaaq answered saying, "Amo Da'wud went to pick you up and he found your phone and car, and instantly knew something was wrong. He notified us immediately and we tracked you down. I'm sure this has a link to the shooter at the night of Iqra's birthday party."

"Well actually." My dad spoke up. We all turned to look at him. "The shooter did say that this wasn't an attack and was a warning for us. I didn't understand before, but I guess this was it."

With many questions arising in everyone's mind, we decided to call it a night and headed to our own rooms.

I entered my closet, took my clothes and went to take a shower. I put a band aid on my forehead and went to pray. After praying, I got into bed, thinking about the events of today and fell into a deep sleep.

Author's note:
Salam guys, hope you are all well. I didn't really like writing this chapter so took a bit longer to write. But here it is, hope you like it. Also, how is your quarantining going. I don't tell you guys to stay safe, stay home as I'm sure you'd all by now be tired and annoyed of hearing this but I will say make the most of this quarantine time. Love to all those reading my story.

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