Chapter 6

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Stopping my alarm from further annoying me, I slowly opened my eyes and turned to grab my phone only to see the handkerchief laying next to it. I had washed it last night to get rid of the blood and had left it to dry near my bedside table as it would have had direct contact with the sun.

Picking it up, I looked at it only to find it very simple with nothing special on it. However if you looked very closely you could see in a corner the initials A.K with a symbol underneath it. It was quite a unique symbol and must have held some sort of meaning to it showing that this handkerchief must have been quite special to the person. But because of my stupidity the mystery guy must have felt helpless and had no other option but to use it, making me feel slightly guilty. I wanted to instantly give it back to him, but the problem was I didn't know who he was or what his name was. Forget that, I didn't even know what he looked like so I dropped the idea of giving it back and safely tucked it in my drawer.

Today was the type of day where I just wanted to spend time with my family and relax. So after freshening up, I put on some comfortable clothing and headed downstairs to the living room. I saw Ibrahim watching t.v whilst Iqra was colouring however on hearing me enter, her eyes lit up and she rushed to hug me.


"What's up baby?"

Ibrahim turned to look at us and gave me a cheeky nod of his head. Shaking my head to the side I walked inside as Iqra wanted me to colour with her.

After colouring with Iqra for a bit I got tired and went to look for my mum, only to find her in the kitchen with Iram helping her. Now this was a weird sight as Iram only helped mum when there was something important and as far as I knew nothing important was happening today.

"Salam mama, Iram. What's happening? Why are you making special food for? And how come this little one is with you, now isn't that a pleasant surprise." I said whilst ruffling Iram's hair and being met with a glare to which I just rolled my eyes to.

After receiving salam's from both of them my mum spoke,"actually habibty, today a girl is coming to see Ishaaq."

"Mama, seriously. Is this going to be, what, the seventh, eighth girl he's rejected so far. Mama why even bother. Don't you think he'll find one when he's ready." I questioned whilst going round to go and help my mum and sister make the food.

"Inayah he's 27. I think he should be ready enough and he's only going to meet her, he's not going to marry her today." Giving me a roll of her eyes she turned back to her cooking. I could sure tell that my eye rolling habit definitely came from her.

"I understand mama. Does Ishaaq know?" Turning to look at my mum I see a sheepish grin on her face. Knowing that means she hasn't and expects me to tell him like always.

Giving a sigh and a small smile to mama, I washed my hands and made my way to Ishaaq's room.


After convincing Ishaaq to at least meet the girl, I went to see if my mum and sister needed any help. They were nearly finished but wanted me to make the dessert so I quickly did that and then went to get ready as the guests should be here in an hour.

After wearing a simple blue maxi dress and scarf I was just finishing sorting the mess in my bedroom when the doorbell rang. Quickly putting the last pillow on the bed I went to check on Ishaaq and found him standing wearing not his best clothes but clothes decent enough.

"You ready akhi?"

Looking up at my voice, Ishaaq gave me a smile, "yes habibty, yallah let's go. We shouldn't keep the guests waiting."

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 05, 2020 ⏰

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