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•Sabrina's POV•

I'm sitting in Mrs. Anderson's class right now, my English teacher. Its so boring.

"Okay everyone, you've worked hard today. Free time for the rest of class" she says

We all cheer.

Rowan, Peyton, Corey, and I all start talking.

Then Bradley and his friend Gray walk up to us.

"Hey Brads this is the girl that's been helping yah in math?" Gray asks

Bradley nods but he looks kind of embarrassed.

"Lets do some math then" he takes Corey's glasses. His new glasses.

"What is one whole" he snaps his glasses in half and throws one part on the floor  "minus one half" he throws the other half at Corey "one half whole sad nerd"

Bradley starts laughing "good one man" they high five

"hey! Why did you do that?!" Peyton yells, getting in Gray's face

"Ohhh big bad Peyton standing up for his boyfriend?" Bradley says in a mocking tone

What the heck?!

Peyton glares at Bradley

"Yeah Peyton, watcha gonna do? Kiss me or something" Gray laughs

"He isn't my boyfriend but he is my friend. So leave him alone" he pushes him

Gray then punches Peyton.

I stand up. "DON'T TOUCH HIM"

"Shut up. You're not in this"

"BREAK IT UP" Mrs. Anderson yells "Gray! Peyton! Principals office, NOW!"

I look at Bradley and he smirks at me.


I'm at my locker, about to go home. Bradley walks up to me. I shut my locker at walk towards the door.

"Sabrina" he calls out "Sabrina"

I turn around

"WHAT?!" I yell

"Are we gonna do the tutoring thing today"



I let out a laugh "you really think Im still gonna tutor you? NO BRADLEY IM NOT!! NOT EVER AGAIN!" I shout "I DON'T WANNA TUTOR YOU ANYMORE"

"What, why?!"

"You are so freaking clueless"

"I didn't even touch the dork. That was Gray"

He is making me so mad right now. "Remember when that "dork" was one of your freaking friends? Yeah. And you see how you treat him and the rest of us now!"


"No you look Bradley! I freaking HATE YOU! I CANNOT STAND YOU! and after today I don't think I EVER will again" I throw the math book at him "find another tutor"

Then I walk out.

You go Sabrina!!! But doesn't she know that you're not suppose to hate people?

This was another short one but aye 2 chapters 1 night.

Soo yeah.

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^^^^^answer that

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