I Feel Some Sort Of Way

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Sabrina's POV

Austin and I have become so close in these past few weeks. I think I'm starting to develop some strong feelings for him. 

But the one thing that is stopping me is.... Bradley. I still love him. 

But I don't know if he loves me back. He gets jealous a lot but he doesn't do anything to stop me, I mean if he still loved me, he'd try to get me back right? 

I've tried to get him back but he pushes me away. 

I should jut give up. 

"hey beautiful" Austin says snapping me out of my thoughts 


"do you wanna maybe go get some coffee maybe lunch or something" he asks wrapping his arm around me 

"sure, sounds geat" 

He grabs my hand and walks me to his car. He opens the door for me and everything. Wow, he is so sweet.

This is why it is hard NOT to like him.

As we are driving down the road the song Faraway by Nickleback comes on.

Its an old song but I love it.

As the music is plays all he memories of Bradley and I flood back into my mind.  

This time, This place
Misused, Mistakes
Too long, Too late

The memory of Bradley yelling at me after he found out Peyton and I kissed takes over my thoughts. 

He turns to me and you can see the anger in his eyes "you kissed him"

"umm what no"

"Don't lie Sabrina!" he raises his voice "I heard you two"


"it was a mistake""

"Just like this relationship" he says walking out of the door slamming it behind him 

That I love you

I have loved you all along
And I miss you
Been far away for far too long
I keep dreaming you'll be with me
and you'll never go
Stop breathing if
I don't see you anymore\

Then I think of the nights I stayed awake at night shedding so many tears because of what happened. What I had done.  

How I still loved him and missed him. 

Then the music is tun red off.

"we are here"

I look up and notice we are at Starbucks. I look at Austin and give him a faint smile. 

"are you okay" he asks 

"yeah I'm fine, why?"

"you're crying" he wipes my tears away with his thumb 

"Oh um... sorry I was thinking about something. But I'm all good" 

"Don't cry anymore... you're too beautiful to cry"

I blush so hard when he says that.

He gets out, opens my door, then grabs my hand and we walk inside. 

Bradley's POV

I'm at the park across the street from Starbucks, chilling with Corey. 

My day wa gong fine until I see Sabrina and that dude. When I see him grab her hand I didn't know what to think next. My world just come crumbling down. Are they like... together? 

Sabrina is my world and I ... I've messed it up. She didn't mess it up, I did.

She did everything she could do to try and get back us together and I pushed her away.. told her that we should stay friends. Boy was I wrong. 

Since this guy has come along, I've realized how much I need Sabrina in my life. I guess its true, you don't what you got till its gone. 

Should I leave it alone or go after her? Maybe he is making her happier than I ever would... but I -- I can't seem to get her out of my mind. 

"I know she still likes you dude" Corey says 

"Pfft nah... she seems to be into someone else" I say pointing in her direction 

"She might like him but... she loves you Bradley. You better get your girl back before Austin takes her" 

He's right. 

Sabrina's POV

"Thanks for this" I say motioning towards my food 

"ha no problem... I really like spending time with you Sabrina"

"I enjoy spending time with you too Austin" I say sipping my coffee

"I'm just gonna say it" he takes a deep breath

I look at him with a questioning look 

"I like you Sabrina, I like you a lot" he admits "and I know you like me... or at least I know you feel some sort of way. I've can honestly say... I've never felt this way about a girl before. You bring out the best in me" he pauses for a second

I just sit there... sorta surprised that he admitted all of this

"Sabina will you be my girlfriend" he asks

All of a sudden my heart just sinks 


So what do you guys think will happen?

Will she say yes or nah?

Will Bradley come barging in the door stopping it all then take Sabrina and fly away?


well hope y'all like it. 

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