Date or nah?

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•Bradley's POV•

I walk into Sabrina's room, she still asleep. Ha I'm going to trick her

I take off my shirt and lay next to her

I wrap my arms around her "good morning beautiful" I say pecking her lips

She opens her eyes and smiles "good morning" she says softly

"Last night was the greatest night if my life" I whisper in her ear, trying not to laugh

Her eyes grow big "wait, what?!" She looks at me and notices my shirt is off "Bradley did we..."

I wink at her

"How come I don't remember. No. I can't belie-"

"B, I'm kidding"

She looks at me "then why is your shirt off....not that I'm complaining....wait umm yeah and why are you in my bed" she asks confused

"Ha I just got here and I saw you were still asleep, so I decided to trick you"

"You're the worst" he hits my arm "I thought you were serious. I was scared"


"One. We are too young. And two. we literally just started going out."

"True. But hey, don't worry, we didn't do anything"

I hug her and she whispers in my ear "but maybe in the future" she gets out of bed and walks to the bathroom.

I just smirk. I put my shirt on and sit up on the bed.

Wow, its been one day and we act like we've been dating forever. I guess you can say that I REALLY LIKE HER.

Her phone lights up "Someone texted you" I yell

"You can check it" she yells back "my password is 3347"

I type in the code and check the message.

Its from Peyton

Pey- hey Sab. Are you busy today? Wanna hang out

"Who was it" she says walking into the room

"Um, Peyton" I hand her the phone

•Sabrina's POV•

I take the phone and reply to Peyton.

Me- um where do you wanna go

Pey- I was thinking lunch and a movie

"Um Peyton wants me to hang out with him"

"I know... where are you two going"

"He said he was thinking lunch and a movie"

"Well that sounds like a date to me" he sounds jealous

"Is someone jealous" I ask "that's cute"

"Pfffttt no"

I sit on his lap and wrap my arms around his neck "its not a date... if you don't mind, Ill go with Peyton" I give him a quick kiss "Then when I get back we can spend the rest of the day together"

"Fine" he says

I text Peyton and tell him that I can go.

•Peyton's POV•

I walk up to Sabrina's door with a single red rose. I really hope Bradley isn't here. He might get mad.

I knock and Bradley answers. Of course.

He doesn't look to happy.

He looks down at the rose "is that for me" he says jokinly but with a straight face

"Umm ha nah its for Sabrina. I just wanted to be a gentleman"

"I just wanna let you know...that this little 'hang out' isn't a date"

"Oh yeah yeah I know."

Sabrina walks out the door "hey Peyton"

"Hey, ready to go" I ask

"Yeah sure" she gives Bradley a kiss and walks to me

I feel jealous but...they are dating sooo.

We get into the car and my brother takes us to In-n-Out Burger.

"Oh this is for you" I hand her the rose

She smiles "haha how sweet. Thanks"



"In-n-Out is Bæ" she says

"I'm glad haha... I thought we'd just grab some food then head to the movies"

We get our food then sit down.

"This is fun" she says

Yay she enjoys it

"I'm happy that you are having fun"

After we are done we head to the movies and watch Ouija.

"I like this movie so far" she whispers to me

Then she jumps.

Hmmm maybe I'll just... I grab her hand and hold it, intertwining our fingers.

She jerks her hand away "what are you doing?"


Bruh Peyton you need to stop. Go find your own girl and leave Bradley's alone...dang.

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