I wont hurt you.

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•Bradley's POV•

Ever since that 'almost kiss' everything has been awkward between Sabrina and I.

When we do the tutoring thing...she won't even look me in the face.

I have leave right when it's over and she doesn't say goodbye.

•Sabrina's POV•

Bradley keeps being so nice. Can't he be mean so these dumb feelings would go away?

I try to ignore him so he'd like...stop being so nice and get annoyed with me.

Nothing is working... I can't keep going this. I DON'T WANT TO LIKE HIM!

I have to do something about it.

•Bradley's POV•

~at school~

"Bradley may I speak with you for a second" Mrs. Colt says

"Sure" I walk up to her desk "yes ma'am?"

"Uhh I don't know what happened but Sabrina came to me and told me that she would no longer tutor you" she starts

Are you serious?

"I would've still liked her to tutor you but you are doing better so its okay if she doesn't. I just wanted to let you know that she is no longer tutoring you" she says

I just walk back to my desk not saying anything.

The bells rings and I hurry out of the classroom to find Sabrina.

I see her and walk towards her, I guess she notices me because she turns and starts walking the other way.

"SABRINA!" I call out

Of course she ignores me.

"Sabrina please talk to me" I say catching up to her

Now the hallway has cleared and its just us two.

"What" she turns around

"You tell me you like me...then you won't even talk to me. Now you told Mrs. Colt that you won't tutor me anymore... Why?"

She looks down at the ground "I just..." she looks up "I don't want to like you Bradley. But I can't control these stupid feelings I have for you. Whenever you smile I get butterflies in my stomach cuz you're so darn cute, I cant explain how I feel. But I'm tired of liking guys that end up hurting me" she pauses for a moment

"And I know that if you would've kissed me, I would haven fallen in love right then. That sounds stupid but its true...and I don't want to fall in love, because Whatever falls, breaks. And I don't want my heart broken again, Bradley. "

•Sabrina's POV•

I pretty much just told him everything.

He then holds my hands and looks me in the eyes "I know you're scared because you've been hurt, but I promise, I'll never hurt you and I'll never let anyone else hurt you, Sabrina. I won't cheat on you or make you do something you don't want to do. Ill protect you"

Then right at that moment he grabs my hips, gently pulling our bodies together. My mind goes completely blank as he pressed his lips to mine. The warmth of his mouth sends chills running through my body. 

I wrap my arms around his neck enjoying every second of this as I lost myself in his peppermint breath and soft lips.

We pull apart to the sound of someone clearing their throat.

Its a teacher, way to ruin the moment "No PDA in the hallways and shouldnt you two be in class. Detention, after school" she says

"Yes ma'am" Bradley laughs

He turns and looks at me "Oh, I definitely won't ever leave you again" he smiles


Okay okay so first things first ...that kissing scene right there wasn't completely mine. So shoutout to the people that wrote most of it.

Okay some of it is mine. Like I wanted it to be good so I looked up how to write a good one and I took it from two different people. Yes, I changed it up and definitely didn't use everything that they put or else this chapter would he like soooooooooo long. (That's how much detail one of the people put)  but yeah I changed it up a bit so it wasn't completely copied ....anyway hope you enjoyed it.

Haha again shout out to the people that wrote that ...you guys really helped me out.

Ummm yeah bye :)


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