I Need More Time.

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•Bradley's POV•

"Ready to go" I ask Sabrina

She nods

We go to In n Out Burger and grab some food and head to the park.

"So what did you wanna talk about" I ask taking a bite of my burger

"Umm well... I just first wanted to say that I know I screwed up and I just really am sorry. You might not believe me but I really am sorry. I still love you Bradley and I always will. I'm not asking you do take me back but I want you to forgive me" she says tearing up

I almost hug her but.... I don't.

"Okay. I forgive you. But.... I think I need a little more time. I just wanna give both of us more time to sort out our feelings. "

•Sabrina's POV•

That's it. I know he is over me.

I feel tears coming up but I force them back.

"O-okay I understand" I get up and start walking away "I'll see you around"

Then he grabs my hand "don't cry over me. I don't wanna see you like this. I just think this is best for the both of us"

I nod and walk away.

When I get home I let the dam holding back my tears just break open.

I start bawling my eyes out.

"SABRINA ARE YOU OKAY" Sarah says running to me

I shake my head still crying.

"He... he is ...he's over m-me" I say in between sobs

She wraps her arms around me to calm me down "I don't believe that. If he really loved you he wouldn't get over you that quick. And I know he loved you Sabrina"

"B-but he said... that he needed more...time-- to sort out his...feelings. its b-been a month"

"Well Sabrina, some people take longer than others"

I just wrap my arms around her and she hugs me tighter.

I really hope I didn't lose Bradley forever


Okay my homie (you know who you are)
I will put your idea in the VERY NEXT CHAPTER.

alright okay yolo.

Ummm this was short and not all that good but I wanted to get all the tears and cry cry heartbreak out of the way.



But yeah hope you liked it


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