Time Lapse

461 16 0

I woke up warm. Everything felt soft. Unusual for me; I normally kept my bedroom cold.

I woke up cold. Unusual for me; I normally kept my bedroom warm.

But why did my sheets feel like skin? He'd done it again, hadn't he?

But why did I feel another presence? We'd done it again, hadn't we?

I yawned and opened my eyes slowly, before scanning the room.

Empty milk carton.

Empty beer bottles.

Soft skin protected me, it's arms wrapped around my body.

I was alone in a bed that was not mine, but was familiar. I sat up to see Roy pulling his clothes back on.

I was naked, something very unusual for me. But there was only one person I was usually naked with. Surely enough, to my right, a sleepy Roy had his arms wrapped around me, his breathing was soft and steady.

'One two three four, one two three four.'

It would be okay, I just needed to leave without arousing suspicion. I managed to peel myself away from Roy without waking him up and quickly pulled my clothing back on.

My phone was buzzing like mad.

JennyWenny: I was just in shock you know I didnt mean it

JennyWenny: I dont know what you two are doing but get your asses to work

"Roy!" I managed to force myself to shout across the room to my best friend who layed on the bed, seemingly in his own world, "Roy!"

He jolted upward and locked eyes with me as a look of shame spread across his face.

"Never mind talking right now, just get your clothes on and get to work," being forceful had never really been my thing, but in all matters of Roy, it came more naturally.

Roy only managed to nod and stand up as I threw on my backpack and plodded my way to the door.

"Moss?" I paused but refused to turn around, knowing whatever he said would be much more difficult to be mad about if I saw his face, "I really do want to talk about this. Tonight, meet me at the pub near work. Public place, so no funny business."

Finally, something that made sense. I didn't particularly feel in the mood to talk now, however. So I threw up a thumbs up and bit my lip before marching out of the door.


"Roy, we said that-"

"I know. But that's okay because as far as I'm concerned, this didn't happen."

And then we didn't talk about it again. Of course I tried almost a year later, but...

Moss and the Irishman - IT Crowd Where stories live. Discover now