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"This one's cute, i'n 'e?" Roy's face was playful and excited.

I was so glad I decided to bring him along. He really was glowing.

Roy's dainty fingers pointed towards a small nemo fish.

"Oh my god, Roy, he looks like Nemo!" I gasped in excitement and grabbed onto Roy's coat, "I need him!"

Roy's face seemed to light up, though I wasn't completely sure why. I then felt Roy's chest gently brush against mine and realised how close I had pulled him towards me. I cleared my throat and quickly let go; I didn't want to make Roy uncomfortable in public. He seemed unfazed, however.

"Are you sure your mam's okay with you gettin' a fish?" He continued to watch fish swim by in their tanks.

"I'm sure! Just one though," I smiled at the smallest nemo in the tank, the one I had already claimed and would be sure to specify to the shop owner that I wanted.

My boyfriend and I stepped out of the pet store as I grasped my new fish in his little receptacle. I cradled the bottom of the bag with one hand and held the top with another. Roy watched as I held the fish up to my glasses in order to get a good look. I gasped in excitement and Roy laughed.

"Let's get him home!" I yelled.

"Will your mam be there? She scares me," Roy grew slightly stiff.

I shook my head with a smile and skipped along the path.

The trip home was normally short, but it seemed to take forever that day. I kept going to hold Roy's hand or kiss him on the cheek, before realising that I was the only person who knew about him. Jen thought we'd just decided to be friends, he didn't have much contact with his parents and, when he did, it was all a front.

Once home, I unlocked the door and Roy immediately walked in and flopped onto the lounge. I smiled slightly and made my way over to flick his nose.

"Get up, lazy bones, we've got to put Ross in his tank!" I tugged at Roy's hand.

Roy sat up and tilted his head, "Why Ross?"

I stood tall and smirked triumphantly, "Good, isn't it? It's what Douglass always calls us!"

Roy just laughed and shook his head before allowing me to pull him up.


We watched Ross happily swim around his tank in my room. Though I must admit, I mainly watched Roy. I wished I could read his thoughts. What did he want? Could I hold his hand in public? Could I kiss him in private?

I stood up straight, an action that felt nice after leaning down to the tank for so long.

"Roy?" I questioned and he stood up as well, "We... we've never kissed."

There was a small pause in which the room was dead silent.

Roy eventually laughed slightly and gave me a look as though I'd lost my mind, "Well... we have."

"I mean... romantically," I clarified rather quietly, but Roy seemed to hear me.

I watched his face move from disbelievement, to thought, to realisation.

"I guess we haven't," he shrugged.

I had to admit, it was odd that we'd never kissed romantically. I mean, we'd had ruddy sex.

"But..." I did my best to muster up some courage, "I'm not at all sure if you'd want me to kiss you. Or if you'd want me to hold your hand, or if you'd want me to hug you. Or what of it I could do in public and what of it I couldn't."

Roy sighed and smiled sympathetically before walking over to me and placing his hands around my waist.

"I should be a little more clear, shouldn't I?" he asked, almost teasingly, and all I could do was nod silently.

Roy leant in and our lips touched. However, it didn't feel like it had all those times we'd kissed before; this kiss served a different purpose. It wasn't rough, it wasn't animalistic. It wasn't just for pleasure. This kiss brought us closer together. This kiss conveyed love. And it symbolised how done with hiding we truly were.

I layed my head on Roy's chest.

"Hold my hand in public," I heard him say and I looked up at him, in shock.

"Are you sure you're ready?"

He nodded and kissed me on the head, getting my curls slightly, "Kissing might take a little longer though."

I nodded and grasped onto him tightly, "Whatever it takes."

"I'm home, Moss!" My mother sang out across the house, undoubtedly ruining the moment, and I quickly stumbled away from Roy's embrace.

My boyfriend jokingly whimpered a little at the sound of my mum's voice and I gave him a little hit on the shoulder before walking over to the TV in my room and retrieving two controllers. Roy picked up what I was putting down.

"Ready for me to kick your arse?" He asked with a smirk.

"I was ruddy born ready!"


Roy and I had been playing for around two hours, and I was beginning to get fidgety. I mean, Roy was right there. Just sitting there. And we were dating. And we were playing video games?

"Roy..." I muttered rather quietly.

He didn't seem to hear me.

"Roy?" I spoke up slightly.

Without looking up from the game, Roy just responded with a, "Ya?"

I frowned slightly and decided to take action. I snatched the controller from Roy's hand and an annoyed expression spread across his face as he went to complain. Any complaints were swiftly halted, however, when I pulled myself into his lap and wrapped my arms around his neck, placing a delicate peck on his lips.

This seemed to rev Roy's engines and he leaned in again to continue the kiss. Roy somehow managed to flip us over, and was then on top of me, gently kissing my neck and jawline as I stifled noises, so as not to alert my mother.

After a small while of Roy kissing my neck, my lips longed for his again, and I pulled his head back up to mine. My hands began to slowly make their way around my boyfriend's torso. And as I was so caught up in playing tongue twister with Roy, I failed to hear my mother's yelling from the kitchen.

"You've got to listen go me, Moss! Do you want anything to-" the door flung open and my mother walked in on the one thing I would least want her to see.

My right hand was doing a good job of combing Roy's hair, as my left did it's best to reach his bum. Roy's mouth was exploring the lower half of my face as well as the upper half of my body, his left hand covering my mouth as his right hand felt along my stomach.

My eyes opened themselves in response to all of the racket, and as I saw my mum staring down at us in shock, I practically threw Roy off of me. He seemed to protest at first, but stopped once his eyes checked over the woman he feared the most giving him the death stare.

"I think we're good, Ms Moss," Roy didn't dare look her directly in the eye, instead giving her a slight nod with his 'uh oh' face.

Moss and the Irishman - IT Crowd Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang