The Faith Militant and their Sparrow

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A thousand readers.
Wow. I am absolutely blown away. Thank you all for reading this fic. I've put quite a bit of work and thought into the creation of Rhaella Targaryen and her relationship with Jaime, and I hope you've come to love them as much as I do. GoT did Jaime Lannister wrong and I intend to change that.

This chapter focuses a bit more on Cersei and Rhaella's relationship even though it's a filler and it's very short. Forgive me if it's too OOC, but this is something that's needed to be addressed for a while.

[ Episode: High Sparrow ]

Take care of Cersei. For me.. please, take care of Cersei.

It had only been a matter of days since Jaime had departed for Dorne with Bronn to retrieve Myrcella, and Rhaella was beginning to go stir-crazy. The longer she stood inside of the Keep, the more likely she was to lash out and really grate Cersei's nerves. The younger twin had really paid her no mind for the last few days because she'd been too preoccupied with talking to the High Septon and learning more about the Faith Militant - a defunct religious cult - to pay any attention to what Rhaella did when Jaime wasn't around.

Her Septa had taught her about the Faith Militant when she was a child. Long had it been since they were allowed in Westeros, disbanded by Jaehaerys the Conciliator after the Faith Militant uprising and amnesty had been given in return for the rebels who had lived to leave it. They'd gone peacefully, and the Targaryen dynasty had gone off without a hitch ever since.

Cersei seemed keen on bringing King's Landing to its knees with its return.

"My Lady," Ada's soft spoken voice caught her attention as she finished pinning the crown braid Rhaella had requested together. Cersei had come to her early that morning asking for her company on the way to the Sept for Tommen's wedding, clearly resigned to the fact she would have to play nice with Rhaella because she'd be keeping a promise to Jaime. "Lady Cersei waits outside for you for the escort to the Sept. Shall I lace your gown?"

The gown she'd chosen for this affair bore the colors of House Tarth, a parting gift from Brienne she'd found hidden in here not long after she'd left the City with Podrick. She'd kept it close once Jaime left. A reminder of the people who cared for her, and the ones she cared for who were no longer with her.

"Yes Ada. That would be lovely." Ada was the younger of the two sisters, bright eyed with soft features, and very keen on making sure the woman who saved the life of both herself and Alice was well taken care of. "After you've finished, I want you and your sister to take the rest of the day off. Leave me a spare change of clothes for after the wedding. I'll be by to fetch them later."

Ada gasped as Rhaella turned around and beamed at her. "You mean-"

"You're free to do whatever you like to do when you're not around me. In the meanwhile," She smoothed the wrinkles from her gown. "I have a wedding to attend."


"Why do you hate me so much?"

Cersei paused as she turned away from the squalling commoners outside. Rhaella sat at her side, elbows brought up to her chest and eyes cast forward. She hadn't been keen on the idea of playing nice with the woman who had every intention to steal Jaime away from her, but she knew what promises meant to the girl who'd had them broken by everyone who cared about her and decided to play the part of friend. She'd been that to her when Robert had been whoring about in their early years of marriage. There was no reason she couldn't do it now.

"Why do you speak of this now?"

"I didn't do anything to you, Cersei." She fiddled with the Targaryen sigil she'd come to carry everywhere with her, small enough to conceal in her palm from the prying eyes of those around her. "Not even when we were children and I came to visit you and Jaime at Casterly Rock. I stood up for Tyrion when you threatened him relentlessly as a child, I taught Jaime how to read because the Maester asked me to.. I played with your brothers, I loved your brothers. Jaime was and is still convinced I could come to love you as I love your brothers.. so why are you so hateful? Why can we not be confidants?"

She thought about Rhaegar. About how she was meant to be betrothed to him after he'd refused to marry his sister as the other Targaryens before him had. It was one of the only times in her life when she'd been so hopeful about her future, dreaming about sitting at the side of the Iron Throne, and that had died when Aerys II had refused Tywin's offer for her to be the bride of his son and heir.

"Jaime used to have eyes for me. He paid you no mind until Pycelle came and swept you away to his chambers to teach him how to read." She snorted indignantly. "I've always said he was the stupidest Lannister. Even after our mother separated us when she figured out what we were doing, we still found ways to keep it from our father even up until he was initiated into the Kingsguard. He was always more reluctant as the two of you got closer. Rhaella this and best friend that. I guess I was jealous, then."

"And now?"

"I know he cares for you alot more then he lets on. I will give you that." The carriage stopped in front of the steps of Baelor, and Cersei exited first before she extended her arm for Rhaella to take. ''But it is as I told you before, Rhaella. We came into the world together. I am his mirror. We are two halves of the same person, and there is no room for a third. Now come." She wiggled her fingers. "It is time for another wedding."

I am hers (I am his)

And she is mine (And he is mine)

From this day to the end of my days

She'd often wondered how it would feel to stand on that step across the man who she loved. The man who'd sacrificed his honor, his reputation and his skill for a woman he'd been denied his entire life. A woman who he claimed made him a better man, a man who he could be proud of. A man worthy of a love like hers, even if he didn't believe it himself.

The dream was always void of detail. The people in attendance, the gown she wore, the Septons expression as he tied the cloth around their hands. Even though she could not see or feel them, Rhaella never doubted that the hands that held hers in the Sept of Baelor were Jaimes.

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I know this was short but i really wasn't sure what to write here, but please enjoy the next chapter which is solely from Jaime's perspective 

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