The Long Night

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After leaving the group to join with her sister as the horns resounded outside of Winterfell, Rhaella felt a real, proper fear for the first time in quite a while. Who was she to say she'd had the experience of battle, had blood on her hands and had fought for survival?

Who was she to be a warrior of Westeros? A Dragon Princess, one who often put the needs of others before herself, but she was no hero.

She was still dressed in her sisters commissioned armor, circlet pressed neatly against her head, Keeper now tucked into its place at her thigh and Blackfyre resting comfortably against her hip. She felt.. herself. Like a Targaryen.

The Northmen, Unsullied and Dothraki milled about around her. Babies cried, orders were shouted, people unable to fight were moved down into the Crypts. She caught sight of Tyrion once before he disappeared entirely, and the sight of the younger Lannister reminded her that somewhere out there, Jaime was going to be fighting with Brienne.


Daenerys would be waiting for her on the cliff as they'd been instructed, which meant she only had a finite amount of time before she was forced to join her sister. Rushing through the front gates, she found Jaime and Brienne guiding the troops of the left flank to their battle positions.

Part of her had thought that any affection Jaime would show her if he'd ever come up to Winterfell would be an act. He'd done it before, had done it most of her life.. so why would it not be the same now?

Because he left behind his family, his home, the Lannister legacy and everything he holds dear to his heart to fight a war that only some will survive.

He'd had Keeper refinished and repurposed to signify the importance of three Houses that held people close to her heart. He'd knighted Brienne, not because she asked him to, but because he wanted to. It seemed that over the years of knowing one another that Jaime often conveyed his love best through acts of service.

"Brienne!" Brienne whirled around and eyed Rhaella as she emerged from the crowd. Her eyes flickered to Jaime, who was mostly distracted by the people around him and had yet to notice she was there. "Keep him safe."

Brienne nodded firmly. She and Ser Jaime were friends, fellow Knights, and she respected Rhaella Targaryen far more then most of the people in Westeros. If keeping Jaime Lannister safe meant something would happen after the battle was won, she'd do it.

Rhaella turned on her heel and meant to flee for the cliffs where she could hear Rhaegal's roar calling out to his rider.

"Rhaella!" She glanced over her shoulder, the cold knocking the air from her lungs as piercing green eyes met her own. She'd never get tired of seeing the adoration behind them. "Be safe. I expect to see you afterwards."

How do we know there is an afterwards, Jaime?

She feigned a tight-lipped smile. "Afterwards."

Jaime watched the Targaryen princess flee for the cliffs where her dragon and her Queen were waiting for her.


Two Targaryens stood on the cliffs overlooking Winterfell Castle. They did not know who had lit the Dothraki's Arakhs or how the whole world seemed to be enveloped in fire after that, but the sight of fire unleashing across a land of ice awed Rhaella.

It did not seem to move her sister. Her sister seemed.. well.. angry. Like someone had told her something just before the battle started and the rage had ripped right through her, a proper anger she intended to use to fight against the army of the Night King.

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