grim reaper and his lover ¹

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genre : angst, drama
dom : mingi
sub : yunho

featuring : seongjoong (mention of


Yunho opened the small black envelope filled with a card which the name of his mission is engraved.

He looked and touched at the name many times, checking as if he was mistakenly read it.

Still, his name is written on it.

"Urgh how did I come this far? " Yunho groaned, letting off his hat and put on the table on his front, grabbing his hair in frustration.

"Yeah I know you had fallen in love with your bestfriend once again, Yunho. " Seonghwa said, his face on his palms.

They are in a secret café where only grim reapers can meet. This is made by their head chief, Kim Hongjoong.

And that's Seonghwa's boyfriend.

"Why did the angel of death gave me this mission? Didn't our Lord appreciate me for being a good grim reaper? " Yunho said on Seonghwa, making the elder shook his head.

"We all know, Lord has plans for everyone, to humans, to angels, and to us grim reapers. We are just collecting souls and head it to angel of death before the final judgement. " Seonghwa explains, but not enough for Yunho to shut up in satisfaction.

"But, why of all people, my bestfriend from our past lives become my mission? Is this special or a punishment?"

"As I told you earlier, Lord has plan for us. Trust Him." Seonghwa said, tapping Yunho's shoulders before sipping his cup of tea.

"Urgh, I am doomed. Okay then, I must go back to my mission. He just knew that I am only buying tteokbokki but really, I got a sudden talk now. " Yunho said, fixing himself before leaving. Seonghwa fixed himself as well to join Yunho to leave in the café.

As they leave the café, magic happens.
The outside view of the secret café is just a convenience store. Yunho and Seonghwa, who wears rare black suit and black hat with black shoes, went out wearing casual. Yunho in his neon green oversized shirt and stripped pajamas and slippers, and Seonghwa in black turtle neck long sleeve and gray sweatpants and slippers on. Yunho has a bag with tteokbokki in his left hand.

The black envelope with his misson inside is in his pocket. He always brings it, without any reasons given.

They both waved goodbyes and part ways.

Yunho, while walking, still reminiscing about his mission. Thinking about the person's past memories with him, and such.

He's always having tantrums when I tease him, and he's happy when I slipped on my shoes. Until now that he's in his another life, his attitude's still the same. Nothing changed.

Yunho smiled in his thoughts. Despite of him being a grim reaper, he can't help but to think about his past life as a crowned prince of their province, having a bestfriend who happens to be the another crown prince that will be the next king.

Yes, they once lived a long, long, long time ago.

Yunho suddenly stopped at his destination, he almost passed by due to his flowing thoughts. He let out a sigh and smiled.

As he opened the door of his mission's apartment, he sneaked in, going to the kitchen.

"Yah! You're such a crazy kiddo! " someone shouted on the second floor. Yunho looked at the top, seeing his great mission laughing at him.

The elder laughed inside but in his expression, he's shocked.

"As if you're not, Mingi." Yunho shouted as well, then let his tongue out before heading to the kitchen to prepare the tteokbokki he bought before he met Seonghwa last time.

"Yunho! Why did you come home late? " Mingi said, going down the stairs towards the dining area, excited for the tteokbokki Yunho's preparing.

"I-i h-head into the store slowly, since there's a lot of customers buying and paying. " Yunho exclaimed in a lie manner. Of course he cannot tell his real identity.

"Oh, yeah, definitely, too many people buying some street foods for mukbang videos, that's a waste of time. " Mingi responded, taking a bowl, wooden spoon and chopsticks for them.

Yunho finished preparing the tteokbokki and served on the dining table. Mingi sat up in excitement, clapping his hands.

"Too childish, just like the old times. " Yunho murmured, smiling. Mingi looked at him in confusion, asking something.

"What did you say? "

"Ah, I said we need to eat this while it's hot. "

Mingi nods and starts eating. Yunho, without anything grabbed to eat, just looking at the younger in his front, observing how did everything on Mingi made him fall in love once again.

His childish yet a bit authority manner, his gestures, smiles, physical mostly his face, eyes, pointed nose, cheeks being rosy when he's with him, his red lips that he almost kiss when they met before the tragedy happens.

Suddenly, a hand holding a wooden spoon full of rice cakes and sauce flowed freely to his bowl.

"Hey, Yunho. Eat up before it becomes cold. " Mingi offered, making Yunho flustered and blush at the same time. He can feel the butterflies poking down to his flat stomach.

Urgh, I felt that again.

"Yunho, you okay? " Mingi said in a worried tone, but he has gestures of munching some remaining rice cakes in his mouth.

"Yah Mingi. I'm fine. "

To be honest, I'm not.


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