Chapter 3

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He stared down at me, eyes burning into my skin like acid. I turned my eyes down to the tile. I could feel his breath as he contemplated his next move.

After several agonizing seconds of waiting for a blow, he tucked the money into his pockets. "Tonight, Marks having a party in the woods by his house. Its gonna be freaky nasty." He grinned, his tongue uncomfortably close to sticking out of his mouth. He grabbed me by my waist and pulled me close to him. I felt disgusting. "I think you should come. Be my date~."

God, I hated it when he used that voice. It was dirty and pushy. "I really don't-."

"I know your gonna say yes to me, so, lets just go." His hands trailed to my back, holding me in a way that was almost endearing. The expression on his face cancelled out any sweetness in the gesture.

"I really can't," I gently tried to push him off me. "I have to work on Mr. Burns project tonight. I'm going to uh...Caroline's house to work on it. We're partners." No way in hell was I going to tell him whos house I was really going to.

"The party isn't until eight. That's plenty of time to work on your stupid homework."

"I don't feel like going to a party tonight, though. Maybe just you should go-? OOF!" Jacob threw me into the lockers, switching from his not-so-soft hold. A shock of pain hit my spine as the rivets cut into the back of my neck.

"I own you." He spat. "I own you! I tell you where to go! Whether you 'feel like it' or not!"

I flinched back at his voice. The halls were empty, and his words carried.

"I will see you at that party. And if I don't, I mean it when I say there will be consequences." He took a step back, getting ready to leave.
"Oh, and put makeup or something on that cheek. I don't want anyone finding out about that."

I gave a meek nod as I watched him exit the hall. The moment he was out of sight, I could feel my chest break down. I closed my eyes and allowed my body to slide to the floor. I leaned my back against the blue metal. Hot tears streamed down my face, and yet I didn't make a sound. My chest bobbed rapidly as I suppressed my cries.

So there I sat, silently crying on the disgusting floor of the school hall, completely unaware of the legs that had teleported away, or the lonely locker open a few feet down.

God, this is pathetic.

I inhaled deeply

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I inhaled deeply. I only had an hour or so before this party, so I had to be in and out quick. I glanced down at the paper Papyrus had given me, and then checked the mailbox. Yup, this was the right address.

Shifting the bag on my shoulder, I knocked on the door. I had a habit of doing so in a specific rhythm.

Before I could blink, the door was wide open. It startled me how fast the tall monster had rushed to answer. "HELLO HUMAN!" I still don't understand why it was so hard for him to use my actual name. "YOU FINALLY MADE IT!"

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