Chapitre 3 Behold the beast

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Im walking down the street with my dog when i get a text from my friend.

Where were you last night???

Sensei Nya-
On the road, just came back from the wendigo case.

We have a new client that wants us to track down a mutan, again.

Sensei Nya-
Good morning to you too, Moo. Yes i'm still alive, thank you for asking. Did you take the case?

no i did not- OMFG of course i did. i would not mention it if i hadn't. Now get back to the office, they gave us a month to find it.

Sensei Nya-
why u so mean :,c


At that i close my phone and run to the office, my dog, Katthy running with me like the good doogo she is.

I arrive in a few minutes in a small alleyway, as i enter the side door Maurice, or Moo as he likes to be called, sees me but does not say hi.

''Are you ignoring me again?''

He does not even look at me when he says


''How dare you-''

He cuts me off by trowing a file at my head. I catch it, obviously.

It's about the target, theres a picture of a woman, stern face, dressed for a wedding, fancy hair,  she's in her 20' about my height puffiest hair ever and she is classified as very dangerous. The picture is in black and white and seems to have been taken a very long time ago. I turn the pic and look at the date : 1883. What?

There's a second picture, in colours this time, the same woman, but she's smiling and holding a panel with the number #1164 on it. A new note says she's mindless and ferral. I look at the date : 1990. What the hell?

''Thats your target, she's a mutan our client detain, she broke out last night after like 120 years of detention.'' Zane tells me.

''So she's immortal?'' Also if she broke out a detention center, why ask bounty hunters to catch her? Don't they got special tag teams for that?

''Apparently. Also yes before you ask it is a danger for the general public, it killed 23 people so far and the clients belive it's out for blood, so, you up for it?''

''You know i am, buddy. Can you look after Katthy for me till then?'' i give him her leach before he can answer.

I got in the back of the office to gear up, guns and other lethal devises roaming the walls. I take my usual ones and a hunting knife.

''Does the client want her alive?''

''It's immortal Nya...''

''Immortal does not mean unkillable, Moo, if vampires taught me anything.''


All geared up i drive to the place were the beast was last spotted. According to the file it was spotted durring  the car accident last evening on route 4. Meaning the tracks would still be fresh.

I know even if i'm fast i won't find the target right away. She's fast, on the run and can shape shift into anything.

At first, it easy to see were she went, she must have shifted into a bear, if the broken branches and foot tracks say anything. I also note theres some blood. But after a while theres two tracks.

As i walk, i look over her file again, it says she developed the mutation to shape-shift. She could be any creature now. But nothing said she could duplicate.

Hurg, i hate incomplete files, so unprofessional.

Im a bounty hunter for the paranormal, i track down dangerous beasts, mutans, magic beings and even cultist sometimes, to protect the average human from the dangers of the paranormal world.

Moo and I started the business a couple years ago. But we've been doing that stuff ever since we were kids, we were just danger magnets back then. And we still are now.

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