Chapitre 6 Who's There

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As the kid walks away, i keep my mind on the shop. Moo is not there, doing research from home. The armed men are in the lobby, waiting for me.

''Tree stay here.'' I give her Katthy's leach.

Tree looks worried, but i reassure her. This is not unusual. I got this.

I enter the shop, gun in hand.

''How may i help you gentlemen?''

One of them makes a step toward me. I warn him to stay back by showing him my gun, he stays a few feet away from me.

The one in front of me, clearly the one in charge, as white hair and wearing black sunglasses. The second is sitting in the back, square jaw, wearing yellow tinted sunglasses.

The third one is leaning on the wall, arms closed over his chest. He is wearing a bike helmet, red visor. He gets off a pretty strange aura.

What's that the special unit?

''Who are you, the special unit?''

The man in front of me rolls his eyes.

''Miss, we are federal agents. My Codename is Ice Emperor, on the chair is Brother and in the back is Mr.E . We are here to talk to you about a job you recently took.'' He shows is badge, so does his partners.

I try and decipher his mind, but i come to a brick wall. This man must have a titanium will.

''Witch job?'' I enquire, not liking the fact i could not know what was happening in their minds.

''Miss Nya, we know exactly what you do for a living and what this shop is for.''

Do they now? I keep my mouth shut. Inciting him to continue.

''We have been investigating your clients whereabout for quite some time-''

''So you know who they are?''

He takes a pause. Thinking for a moment.

''Don't you?''

I shake my head. They look at each other and nod.The tension in the room goes down.

Yellow sunglasses get up and takes the relay.

''Alright thats enouth cryptic back and fort for today. Miss Nya, we are from the Beast and Crypt or BaC devision. Aiming mostly to arrest those who exploit the supernatural and protecting other being in hiding of the modern society. Kind of like you do.''

''Never herd of it.''

''It's the goal.'' White hair says.

''And what do you want from me? Who are you investigating''

Yellow sunglasses again.

''We a curently investigating Nova's research center. We have found they are traficing and experimenting on mutans and humans alike. And that, for decades.''

So i gess thats my client. I rely the information to Tree, who is still waiting outside.

She is happy, we have a lead.

''Two days ago, we attempted a rescue mission. Our incide agent helped some of the mutans to escape, complications happened and many lives were lost, including his own. We were not even able to located the mutans, most of them were taken down on sight, we do not know the number of those who succeeded to escape.''

''And we know for a fact you were hired by them to find and deliver the escapies.''

''Escapie, only one''

Why would they hire me? They seemed well equip to take down the mutans. Maybe sending their units would have been too suspicious.

''Why did you not take them down? You are the goverment after all.'' I ask instead.

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