Chapitre 7 Tick tock

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It's Wednesday.

I have called the school, motivating her absence. All morning i wait to at least tell her goodbye, but she does not wake up.

I told her to take the day off, but i still have to go to work.

I have the afternoon shift. The store is pretty empty, theres only a few customers, old ladies mostly, here to buy wool.

Why do we sell wool anyway?

A little lady comes to the register i'm stationed at. I look down at her and realize it's one of my favorite regulars, Josy. She is a delight to be around.

The only thing i've ever seen her buy is wool. This time it's bright green.

''Hello Josy how are you doing?'' i say as i scan her item.

''Oh you know, my grand children a coming over this weekend, so i'm doing pretty good.'' She smiles.

''Is that what the wool is for? You're going to knit them sweaters?''

''Oh oh, no, in this weather? The wool is for their soon to be born baby! Im going to make a baby blanket''

Baby? That would make her a great-grandma. She does not look that old.

''Well congrats to them!''

We talk a bit, she pays and she leaves. The rest of the afternoon is pretty boring. I don't even realize my shift is over until my boss tells me to get lost.

I mean, he did not say it like that, but it felt like it.

I directly go home. Jacky did not contact me all day.

after yesterday, Im worried.

This as happened before, but i never know what caused it. We don't really talk about it, its just something that happens. Our other sister knows this, she keeps saying that we should talk about it.

Lou is very open all the time about everything. One of the first conversation we had she told me right away she was ADD. I know some people would never told that to anyone let alone someone you just met.

Too bad were not that open, some times I just wish Jacky told me some of her triggers. But then i would be a hypocrite not telling her mine.

As I enter the apartment i see Jacky on the couch, we greet each other and i sit beside her.

''Sooooo... How are you felling?'' i ask her slowly.

''I'm felling good.''

That was a pretty good answer, but i still know we wont talk about whatever happened yesterday. Like always.

Should i feel guilty that i'm okay whit that?



The next morning, we don't talk either. We eat in silence until she goes to school.

''Ey Jacky''


''have a good day at school.''

We hug each other goodbye.

Now that i'm alone in the apartment, i decide to leave and take a walk.

The sky in clear but the roads busy, to get away from the noise i go to the nearest park.

I sit on an empty bench, closing my eyes listening to the few birds in the trees.

On a free morning like this most people would get in touch whit their friends, go at a coffee. But being moved around as a kid did not do much for my social skills. I think the only friends i do have are my sisters and Josy.

What a life.

Well, comparing to what the media said i wold become, i'm actually pretty good. All they talk about is that foster kids are criminal, that the foster system is corrupted, that foster parents are abusive. I was always told i was lucky to have decent foster parents. Even when i got 18 the first thing i did was asking Jacky if she wanted to get out of the system and live whit me.

But is that fair? All the thing we say about the system, if they were as bad as we say, should it not have been replaced?

Erg, i'm thinking too much about it.

On the other end of the bench a man sits. He takes a cigaret out of his pocket and lights it. He takes a big wiff of it, keeps it in for a second before releasing a big cloud of smoke.

''Those will kill you, you know?'' I tell him.

He looks at me whit a raised eyebrow.

''Want one?''

I gladly accept.

We talk a bit, we figure out we are about the same age, even taught we both look older than we are thanks to stress. He talks about how he opened a small business whit his childhood friend a couple years ago and that she keeps causing problems. I tell him about my online classes and how difficult it is to raise my sister.

Now we are just both here, smoking looking in front of us. After a while i look at my watch to realize it's almost time for my shift.

''Well this was fun, but i have to get to work soon.'' We both get up the bench.

''Yea, so do I.'' he expands his hand.

''My name is Maurice, but my friends call me Moo.''

I shake his hand.

''Nice to meet you Moo. The name's Tatiana, but you can call me Tat.''

On this we part ways, going in opposite direction.

I wonder, did i just make a friend?


Nothing noteworthy happens at work.

When i prepare to leave i see Jacky in the entrance. Thats unusual.

''Ey Jacky, why are you here?''

''well we did not make it clear this morning if we were going to meet up at home or subway, so i did not take a chance and decided to directly come to you.''

We get back home as i get a call on my phone, i look at the receptor and recognize Lou's number. I wonder if everything is ok?

I answer.

''Hey Lou, what's up?''

''The sky.'' She responds whitout missing a beat.

''Very funny, but really what's happening? Everything alright?''

Lou does not usually call us other than our weekly skype call.

''Everything is fine! Im just calling to remind you my plane arrives around 10 am tomorrow.''

I deadpan almost drop my phone, i almost forgot she was coming here!

Scratch that! I totally forgot she was coming here!

Thank god i never work on Fridays!

''Oh! Don't worry we will be there! 10 am sharp! See you there!''

''Also-'' I hang up before she can respond.

Oops. That was rude.

''What' going on?'' Jacky ask me.

''Lou is coming here tomorrow!''

Jacky raises an eyebrow.

''Yes i know, we're going to get her at the AirPort, spring break start tomorrow so it's cool.''

''I forgot!'' I yell whisper.

''And she just reminded you. its ok, there's literally no reason to panic. The couch will be her bed, we already know what we will do once she gets there.''

I calm down a bit, yea, why did i freak out because i forgot she was coming here? I did not forget her.

It's ok. Tomorrow is going to be the best day in our lives, finally reunited for the first time in almost 13 years!

I calm down completely and take a bid breath.

I should probably call back.

I dial her number, but she does not respond. I do it again, but she still does not answer.

Let's hope she did not have anything too important to tell me.

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