Chapitre 8 Count down

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Agent Ice

Back at HQ, i review my report. It's full of holes and unanswered questions. It's frustrating.

The mission, on paper, was simple enough : Go to the shop, interrogate the perp and arrest her if needed.

But then Mr.E relayed to us she did not know her employer and then one of the escapees barged thought the door. We proposed her to come back whit us, let us do our job, but it's never that simple is it.

What where we supposed to do? Force her to come whit us?

And then Miss Nya asked about the- Tree's family.

I told them i would look into it, and we left.

I wonder if i should have told them.

I open another file on the computer. It dates from when i just started in the agency, 13 years ago. It was the first solo case i was assigned. I had to relocate three potential mutans that had been rescued from a lab. Thats all they gave me, not were they were from or what happened to them.

They were young, two of them babies the other looked about 8 years old. They had scars everywhere. I remember the oldest looking at me whit her big green eyes, so intense, we had to fight to separate her from the other two.

I saw that fire again today, when Tree asked about her family.

But I know Tree cant be her, I kept tabs of all the kids trouougth the years, went to visit them, attended some of their birthday party, making background check of every family the went to. That part i did for my me.

I look at a recent photo of the kid, they do look similar.

But according to the file Nya gave me, Tree is over 120 years old. How could she had multiple children back then, and they did not grow up?

And Tree only mentioned one baby.

Maybe they are clones?

Or maybe, they where put on ice. We do know they have the technology. 

We still have DNA test from the kids, I make Tree have one and put all of these speculation to an end.

I create a new file, joining my first case and my newest one. What where the odds.

''Agent Ice'' a voice calls me.

I turn around falling face to face whit none other than my Boss : Miss Ariana Kellery AKA Agent Pixal.

''Miss Kellery.'' I respond, raising an eyebrow.''What are you doing down here, miss?''

She smiles at me and takes a step forward, poking at my wedding ring on the chain around my neck.

''You should go home, don't make your wife wait.'' She covers her smile whit her hand, showing off her matching ring.

''I'm pretty sure my wife is making just as much off hours as I am. But is see were you are going.''

I pick her up bridal style and walk to the exit.

We got married two months ago, people say we are still in the honey moon phase. I'm fine whit it.

We get home and eat some left over pasta. We set up on the couch.

''So how is your case going?'' She ask before taking a mouthful of spaghetti.

''I don't know yet.''

''what you mean?'' she ask mouth still full of pasta.

''well you remember my first case right? The one whit the three little girls? Well its possible they are connected to this case. I don't know why, but i feel like things are going to get messy soon. Its like theres a puzzle but there are no corner pieces, and then you realize half of the pieces are in another box mixed whit other puzzles.''

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