Chapitre 9 Behold the monster

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/blood and cursing/


That beast, that bastard, that bitch.

Last time he almost tore my arm off, he will pay.

As i get back up from his scream, i look at him dead in the eyes. He may not look like before, but i know it's him.

He reeks of blood and murder.

Im going to tear him to pieces.

I shift into a bear, and roar myself. The others look at me worried, but Nya tells them i'm clear.

The beast slowly circles us, like a lion, not making a sound. He keeps his form to the shadows.

He's playing whit us. Im about to charge him when Ice yells at us not to move.

''We must stand our ground, if we run at him, he has the advantage.''

I stay put, but when i look back at the beast, he's gone.

''We lost eye contact.'' Nya says

We place ourselves into a square formation facing every direction. Nya on my right, Ice in my back and mr.E on my left.

How is that helmet man going to fight a monster whit swords?

We stay silent, we wait for him to make a move.

We hear a crack

And before we know it an enormous tree is being trow at us.

We dodge, the tree splitting us up. Nya whit Ice and i'm stuck whit sword man.

We cant regroup before the beast roars again, paralising me. Im still to stun to move as he runs toward me.

Even without the stun i could not have moved.

The beast. Four times my size, very thin, it did not look like a bear but it had the fur. More legs thank needed, some like horses and a pair of smaler ones that looked like arms, all of them clawed and blood red. Horns from head to back. Making a crete of sharp knives covered in shredded flesh. Two mouths, taking most of the place on his face. He might not have a human face, but i knew it was smiling. It's eyes glistening, where human, but they were many, all of them different and looking at me.

Frozen in terror, I await my doom.

Before the monster can touch me, it gets hit by bullets in the face, stoping him in his tracks.

His head get partly covered in ice, a cold wind make me get out of my trance.

The monster looking at his attacker, it was Ice, up on the giant log, reloading his weird ice gun.


And before i can register it myself, Sword man moves fast, using Ice's distraction to slice off one of the monster's legs. 

Black blood ouses from the severed limb.

The monster yells again, completely different that the last one, imploring , a cry of pain. the cry is coming from the smaller mouth, that means multiple throats.

It swings another paw at the sword man, but he dodges. Nya takes that time to shot it in the head, but a normal shotgun does not do enough damage to distract it.

'Should have brought the rocket launcher' i hear her think.


Mr.E tries to slice again but it swift him away.

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