Chapitre 5 Running in the wrong way

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Erg, it's Monday again. My life is at its end, so young and yet so short. Actually it's not that bad, Lou is coming here this Friday and i could not be happier.

But allas Monday rhymes whit school, and school is hell.

I do my best, but at the end of the day, i'd just rather sleep.

Classes are boring, as always. But during the breaks i go to the library and search for info about the incident.

Tat may think it's nothing, but i know from the bottom of my soul, something is going on.

The whole research center is fishy.

Im sure they do illegal stuff, or like i got a bad felling about them. I don't know how but i will prove it. If not to others, then to myself. To make sure i'm not crazy and all.

I find nothing, i even checked the sites i went on before, and they took down the article.

That's suspicious.

I run out of time as the bell rings. I go at my last class fully knowing i'm going to do some shenanigans tonight.


Im in a place i should never be. But every time something weird appends in this darn town, my feet lead me to that shop.

It's situated in a dark alleyway, theres no sign no windows. I only know about this place myself because... well lets say i follow suspicious people around.

One of those people is a strange lady that always to have blood on her. She also has a dog, thats actually how i met her for the first time.

I saw the dog, wanted to pet it. Then i saw the blood and i decided to follow her. Witch led me to this shop.

And i've seen many weird characters enter this place. I never entered it however, because i'm not that kind of dumb. But i do stalk them, i hide on an elevated ramp a watch.

It's also a great spot to do home work and wait for Tat to finish her shift.

Of course Tat does not know i'm here, she would kill me if she knew.

But right now, theres three people in front of the door, faces i've never seen before.

They have guns and look ready to burst down the door. But they enter slowly. I just watch. One of them, wearing a helmet, looks at my direction. I hide and don't move until i'm sure they are gone.

Then from the corner of my eye i see the lady, she as her dog and another woman whit her.

Should i tell her about it? She definitely going in there.

Erm... Not time to think, i'll warn her.

If you see something, say something, right?

I step in front of her making her stop. Yay, thats totally a normal way to stop someone you dont know.

''Oh that's a cute dog, can i pet her?'' I ask whit a smile.

The lady also smiles.

''Sure go ahead.''

I get to my knees and pet the dog, she is a cutie. But now how do i tell her about the gun people whit out sounding crazy?

''Ey are you ok kid? You seem pretty nervous.'' The lady asks.

Welp. I'm already acting crazy, might as well go all the way. I stand up.

''I just saw three men enter your shop, they were armed and locked pretty mad.''

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