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  • Dedicated to The Amazing John Green, who changed my life


 “We’re here for you, Isaac,” Patrick says as he starts playing one of his crappy songs about god and hope. I stop listening after the first few minutes, the lyrics make me angry-they are just lies. God is not your friend because if he was, why do you still have cancer? Why am I blind? When the song (which is about lies) is over I wait for everyone to exit. After about five minutes, the room is silent so, I pick my stick off the floor and start walking to the door.

 I’ve been blind for about 2 and half year. It was hard at first, but now I’ve learnt (AN sorry I'm British and we say learnt not learned) how to live a normal(ish) life-without been hit by a car or walking into a door. “Hey” a voice of calls of the other side of the room, Mom. “Lets get you home” she says gripping my hand and leading me to the car. The car journey home was the same. Mom asking how support group was and me answering with the same “it was okay.” 

When we’re home I go straight to my room. I sit on my bed and get out my phone. No Missed calls. When will she call? 

AN Please review and read.Sorry for any mistakes.

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