Three Days Before

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  • Dedicated to The Amazing John Green, who changed my life

Three Days Before

It was a late Sunday afternoon, I'd gone to the bookstore to get some book for Graham. I was minding my own business then suddenly someones hand pulled me back. I turned around wanting for an answer.
"Are you okay?" a voice asked me, concern in there voice.
"Umm, yeah I guess. Why?" I said, wondering why she was concerned.
She sight "Well for starters you almost got hit about a bus-" I stopped her before she continue.
"Wait, what?" my voice was bit more harsh then it had meant it to be expected. There was a second of silence, she must not have known that I was blind.

"Sorry" she says said to fill the silence. I opened my mouth not sure what to say, "Well, I guess you just saved my life" I put my hand out in her direction "I'm Isaac," she shook my hand.
"I'm Ingrid" she explained.
My flirting skills had been out of work for a while "So Ingrid would you like to explain me your amazing life over a coffee" I asked trying to hind my nerves.
"Okay, I know a good cafe down the road" she said, she was still shaking my hand.
I can't help but smile "you lead the way."

We walked in silence for about 5 minutes before she asks "So, Isaac?" I'm not sure how to respond.
"So, Ingrid" I finally said after a (yet again) more silence.
"Please don't call me Ingrid" she said laughing even though it was not funny I joined in laughing- it felt so good to laugh. I couldn't help notice that she had a wonderful laugh. She elbowed me hard in the arm, "We're here" she said as we enter the cafe.

We sat down and order our drinks. I had a americaon and she had a flat white. "so tell me about yourself," I asked after the waiter had left.
"Well, I'm 18 years old, my names Ingrid Sutter and I'm in a soon-to-be best seller author" she explained with fake excitement in her voice.
"Wow, Ingrid" she was about to interrupt me, I placed on fingers on my lips "so if you don't want me you call you Ingrid want should i call you?" I asked with a big smile on my face.
I could hear a smile in her voice "less about me and more about you" she said poking me in the arm "tell me about yourself, Isaac?"
I sigh "I'm just god damn amazing" she laughs and within seconds we were both in pieces. About half an hours passed of us laughing, talking. Finally we call it a night-or more of an afternoon.
"Can I get your number, not Ingrid?" I asked.
She laughed "give me your phone" she said. She put her number in my phone and then mine in hers.

"See you soon, Isaac" she said as she walked off,

"See you soon, not Ingrid" I replied.

AN Review and tell me what to do Sorry for any mistakes, please tell me.

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