The Nightmare and Comfort

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I needed to find him. I didn't even know if he was in today.

Oh the worries of having a boyfriend in the years above.

I was panicking a bit. Not looking where I was going.

I bumped into someone. He was tall and very butch. He had a good set of hair. Massive fro. I mean massive.

I said,

"Sorry. Wasn't looking where I was going"

He smiled and said,

"Don't worry about man"

I smiled back and he walked off. I got sidetracked. I need to find Gerard

I looked through corridor to corridor. I still couldn't find him.

The corridors were empty. I sighed.

Suddenly lights stared to turn off. As I looked if front of me a figure was standing there.

The lights were turning off one by one. Who the fuck is doing this!?

"This isn't funny! Your taking it a bit too far now aren't you. Turning off the light so immature!"

I shouted this down the corridor to the dark figure. It raised its arm. It was long, thin, black and bony. It pointed down to the next corridor.

I walked forward towards it.

Something went crash. It caught my attention.

Nothing was there. I turned back to where this thing was standing.

It was gone!

I didn't think nothing of it. I sill thought it was a prank.

I went into the corridor it pointed to. It was dark.

Apart from one light. It was over the boys bathroom.

Now this is when I knew something wasn't right. No one was by the light switch and the light, the one light that was on was flicking on and off.

A feeling started to move inside of me.


My heart started pounding inside of me. It felt like it was in my mouth.


I turned around to where the noise had come from. My heart was pounding more than ever.

A bunch of lockers had been knocked over.

Suddenly a window flew open. Masses of wind flew in through the window. It blew in leaves and stirred up paper.

It was like a little whirl pool inside the corridor filled with paper and leaves.

It stopped. It all fell to the floor at once.

I heard something crack and crunch. Like a bone.

Then I felt it. The hand in my shoulder. I screamed and jumped away. I turned around and it was back.

But nowhere near me. It was punting at the boys toilet. I moved closer.

It turned and walked into the darkness. Whatever it was didn't want to hurt me.

I arrived at the bathroom door.

I pushed it open. The light was flickering.

I stepped in side. As I did I felt a wet damp feeling through my shoes.

I jumped back when I saw the massive pool of blood covering the toilet floor.

I tried to get out but the door slammed behind me. It was shut, shut and never to be opened.

I took a deep breath and turned around.

I walked in further. I came across a corner.

There was a body. I could see who it was.

The light kept on flickering.

Then the light went off.

It came back on and stayed on. It was so bright. I covered my face.

I slowly uncovered my face. To reveal such a horrible sight.

It was Gerard!

He had been hung!!

All this blood was his. Tears started falling down my cheeks.

I didn't know what to do. I stood on the sink and quickly got him down.

I lowered him down to the floor.

I sat down. I couldn't cope. I lay his stiff, cold body along my lap. I cried and screamed.

The lights went out.

"Frank! Frank! Frank!"

I screamed and screamed then a hand hit my face.

I was in my room. I opened my eyes. It was Gerard. He was alive. I sat up and gave him a great big hug.

He chuckled and said,

"Ok. Frank you can let go."

I let go and said,

"I'm so glad your ok."

He looked confused and said,

"What do you mean?"

I sat up and got prepared to tell the story. I sat there facing my lap.

"I saw you die. You had hung yourself"

I looked up. I screamed. His face was covered in blood. He was white. He was dead. A frightful smile came over his face.

I screamed and screamed. I flung up in my bed.

I was in bed. Next to me was Gerard.

He was sound asleep. I guess he was aloud to stay over.

I move to the side of my bed. Trying not to wake Gerard. I'm surprised I didn't.

I was sweating like mad.

That by far was the worst dream I'd ever had. I could hear Gerard turning over, then I heard a faint voice say,

"Babe. Are you ok?"

I noodled and smiled at him. Got back into bed. He snuggled onto my chest and I rapped my arm around him.

He went back to sleep.

I couldn't I just couldn't go to sleep.

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