Chapter 1: The wedding day

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Lights hung over the archway leading to the isle that was surrounded but various flowers and plants. Jenny breathed in the beautiful essence of roses and fresh air. She had dreamed of this day many years back, and everything had to be perfect.

She turned to the familiar face she had learned to love. She didn't say anything as he walked closer holding her hand. "Stop stressing" he said gently putting her hair behind her ear. "I just want this day to be remembered as a good one" She replied looking up at him.

They held each other for a good moment before Beth (Jenny's sister) had to interrupt them. "Hey aren't you supposed to be getting dressed or something" she said to Zac. Zac rolled his eyes but gave in and left Beth with his fiancée.

Beth placed her arm around Jenny's shoulder and started walking with her. They strolled along the beach where the tropical wedding was set. "I think we start getting ready." She suggested. "Chill. There's still 3 hours in till the big event!" Beth replied.

Jenny soon found her self lost in thought at the words "big event".

Am I ready to get married?

Should I wait till I am older?

Why am I soo nervous.?

Jenny drowned her thoughts with the sound of the ocean waves. It wasn't long before they both knew they had to get dressed.

Jenny's wedding dress was a masterpiece. It had small swirls of translucent sequins descending to the top of the waist, Lace frills sitting on the sleeves, and a small flower embroidered at the top.

Jenny held the dress in front of her.
"This dress is too good to be worn" said Jenny.
"Hey you could of come with me to pick YOUR wedding dress!" Beth said back.
"Fine I'll wear it!" She gave in.
Jenny never liked wearing pretty things but it was her wedding day so she had to look the part.

Sorry for another short chapter I have an excuse.
A lot has been going on with the Coronavirus ,and my school (which shut down a week before holidays) gave me a whole lot of homework to get done! I apologise for any inconvenience. There will be a part 2 (and maybe 3 if I have to) but once again sorry.

Stay happy

-the lone wolf

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