Chapter 3: Blood soked sand

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Jenny stood, and gazed out at the sea.

Three hours ago the Aliens invaded

Three hours ago Jenny watched her family die

Three hours ago, the screams canceled out the seagulls and even the ocean stayed quiet while everyone Jenny loved was slaughtered.

I survived. But I would've preferred dying with them. They did nothing wrong. None of my family deserved that.

Another tear ran down her cheek and joined the others that were swimming away in the ocean.

Maybe someone survived. Jenny thought hopefully.

Jenny turned to see the broken bodies of her loved ones.

"Hello?" It had been ages since she last spoke so her voice cracked. Only the sound of the ocean answered. Jenny frowned.

What am I supposed to do now? Live my life and forget about this? The aliens will probably kill many more innocent people like my family.. who's going to stop them?

Jenny's dress stuck awkwardly to her legs and the bottom was ripped and dirty. She walked barefoot along the sand, and left her shoes by the water. Not that she'll go back for them.

The day was far gone. The moon and stars took the place of the sun in the sky.

Where do I go? I can't go home. I'll go for a walk around town. Although that's not that safe either. Oh well.

~~~~ flashback ~~~~

Zac sat waiting on the balcony of his apartment, facing the stars. Just the sight of him brought Jenny so much warmth in this frozen cold night.

Jenny watched him from afar.

Would this be the night? Where he finally asks.? Time to find out.

Jenny creeped closer towards him, every movement quiet and cautious. He sighed. Jenny stopped in her tracks, not breathing. She dashed over to him, not being very stealthy anymore. "Jenny!" Zac exclaimed, clearly shocked. "Don't sneak up on me like that!" He said seriously, though he was smiling and the joy was visible in his eyes.

Jenny laughed like a child. "You should've seen your face!" She said, in between giggles. Zac started laughing too. "Why is your laugh so contagious!?" He asked. "I don't know" She replied. "The real question is, why are we here?"

Zac's smile faded. He looked nervous for the first time that night.

He inhaled deeply.

"Jenny, I know we've only been together for a few months now but, I've never been so sure of something in my life. Jenny, will you make me the happiest man, and be my wife?"

Oh my gosh, he was actually brave enough to ask!

"YES!" Jenny shouted, not able to contain her excitement.

The couple kissed.

The moon seemed to shine brighter that night, as if it too was smiling

~~~~End of flashback~~~~


Hello everyone sorry for a short chapter
I hope it was good enough for it not to matter
I apologise for not uploading in a while, I've been diagnosed with writers block and I am unable to give you long chapters, for my motivation has left me. I hope I get cured soon, because I can't seem to ever finish writing a novel, and I hoped this would be the one.

Anyways, thanks for reading.

-the lone wolf, over and out.

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