Chapter 4: Theodore

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The street was quite. Almost apocalyptic. The streets were quite empty, and the street lamps seemed too tired to give of that much light.

Jenny sighed.

will things ever be the same again? Of course not. My life is ruined, and I will probably be dead in the next few days, if the aliens find me.

Jenny realised how thirsty she was when she coughed, her throat ached and she felt weak. The closest place she could see was the bar.

I hope they have water Jenny thought.

Jenny looked like a wreck but that did not stop her from walking through the bar door.

It felt as though all eyes were on her as soon as she entered the room. She could imagine how she looked, messy hair, bare foot, ripped up dirty wedding dress. Basically she looked like the walking dead.

The room was lit by dim lights on the roof, bottles sit on a shelf behind the bar tender, and small tables sit scattered across the room. There was a couple sitting by the window who hadn't noticed her arrival as they kept talking.

A group of muscular men sit on a table further into the middle of the room, two of them have their tattooed arms laid across the table in the middle of an arm wrestle.

The person that caught Jenny's attention the most was sitting near the back of the bar, he was reading a book quietly but looked up for a second to meet her eyes. Jenny couldn't help but notice how handsome he was, his deep blue eyes like the ocean, his dark brown hair, his calm expression.

Wow Jenny. Great job. Your husband just got murdered and you already like another guy.

Jenny walked to towards the bar tender breaking their eye contact.

Once everyone had looked away from her she managed to talk to the bar tender.

"May I get a drink" Jenny asked.

He nodded and turned to the bottles on the wall. Jenny was so distracted by looking out the window, that she didn't realise that he had placed her drink down in front of her.

Jenny looked to see a small mug full of frothy alcohol. So this is what they call 'a drink'. Oh of course! I'm soo stupid this is a bar, what did I expect.?

It took Jenny a while to realise that the bar tender was waiting for her to pay.

Crap. I don't have any money. What do I say? "Uh sorry I didn't bring my wallet. I guess your going to have to let me have it for free." No thanks.
Jenny opened her mouth to speak but was interrupted by a not so quiet slap on the bench.

She turned around and locked eyes with that same guy as before.

Why is he being kind? why'd he buy me the drink?

She wished she could wipe that smirk off his face but instead she said, "thanks".

"You don't look like your going to drink that" he said.

"Yea well, I guess not" Jenny replied pushing it in his direction.

He drank it gratefully. "My name's Theodore, but you can call me Theo" he said after he'd finished.

Nice name Jenny thought. I wonder how old he is.?

He looked about Jenny's age, but maybe a bit older.

"My name is Jenny" she said. "You know your gonna have to change that, if you don't want the aliens finding you." Theo replied.

A whole bunch of thoughts hit her at once like a wave in the face. How does he know? Is it obvious? Well I do kinda look like I was just in some sort of tragic incident

"How did-"

"Come sit" he interrupted, he pointed towards the table he was reading at not long ago.

Once they sat down he explained

"you are a mess, you look like you need a break, and you practically walked into this bar asking for attention" he said

Jenny looked down as if she stared long enough she would disappear. Jenny really wanted to avoid this conversation but she wanted to talk more with Theodore, it seemed as if he knew a lot about these aliens.

Jenny sighed. "Woo correct you've won a million dollars" she said

When she looked up Theo had a smug but somehow sympathetic look on his face.

"That still does not tell me how you even know about the aliens, everyone else seems fine and happy like nothing is wrong." She looked around and the couple across the room laughed at some joke, as if to prove her point.

Theo looked lost in thought, when he realised she was waiting he replied, "The same has happened to me"


Ok sorry for another short chapter.

I had a small burst of motivation and I used it without hesitation.

But as I said 'small' so yep another short chapter

Anyway have a nice evening

-the lone wolf, over and out

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