1 *I need to leave*

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 Loren gray as Rose Williams 

Corbyn's P

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Corbyn's P.O.V 

It's been one year since me and the boys left Texas behind for our career, but we did't just leave Texas behind, it's the person we left behind in Texas. Rose, she was our best friend. Our 6th member of the gang. We had to leave her behind when we created our band, and moved to L.A. we wanted to bring her along, but her dad wouldn't let it happen. So we said our goodbye's and it tore us apart. After a couple of weeks of leaving her, and our hometown, it was sad. It's hard to live without her. We were in contact with her, we would always call her, and face time, but one day that all stopped. We tried getting in contact with her, she hasn't answered in months. I'm worried, what if something happens to her?

" We have to fly to Texas, What if she's hurt?" I asked all the boys when we were talking about her.

Daniel looks at me and nods. "Dude, we can't just fly out in the middle of recording our album. You know that. Plus I'm sure she's fine. We are all worried about her, it's not just you man."

" How about when we finish recording our album, we'll fly down. That's only a couple of months." Jonah says as he looks at me. I nod in agreement hoping that their right. Hoping that she is okay. Because in reality we didn't just leave our hometown behind, we left the one person that understood all of us behind. We left the person that supported us behind. We left behind the person that made all of our dreams come true, but she couldn't make her dreams come true.

Rose's P.O.V

I wake up to another day without the boys. God I missed them so much. Not a day goes by without me thinking about them. It's been almost a year since they left. I remember the day we got the call to tell them they needed to move to L.A to pursue their dreams. I remember the day they left. When we all said our goodbye's, all of us were in tears because we didn't want to leave each other. After they left, all hell broke loose. Everything went downhill. About a month after they left I found out my mom had cancer. It was a hard time for all of us. I didn't tell the boys because I didn't want to distract them from their career. So every time we would face time I pretended that everything was OK. When really it wasn't. After a couple of months of her having cancer, she died. That's when everything went to all hell. My dad couldn't cope with her death. So he started drinking, became an alcoholic, and took it out on me. I looked like my mother, I was basically a spitting image of her. I had her long blonde hair. It looked like honey flowing from my head. I had her bright green emerald eyes. I had her freckles that went along my face, across my nose and my cheeks. So when he started drinking, he became abusive, and because I looked like her, well you can guess what happened. So school was my free time. I met a really nice boy, and eventually started dating him, after 1 month, he became abusive, manipulative. He cheated on me all the time, but when he thought I was cheating, he would beat me. I pretended everything was OK, and that I was happy, but to be totally honest I was miserable. Now I can't contact them because my dad smashed my phone when he thought I was going to call the police on him, and man was I close to doing that. One day I couldn't take it. I started to cut and I still do. If you look at my body I have bruises new and old. Ones fading and ones that are fresh, and still tender to touch. Then the cuts along my arm stay there, slowly fading, and every time I look at them they remind me of what my lifes like. I spend all my money on hoodies, and sweats, and just baggy clothes in general. I couldn't let people see what I've become. A sad mess of a girl who lost her mother, her father, and her best friends. The people she needed most were gone, and she needed to accept that, but I don't think I'll ever accept that. Because I'm that girl. I'm lost and I have nowhere else to go.

________________________________________________________________________________Hey Guys! 

This is my first chapter! I hope you enjoyed it. I love writing and i'm trying to put myself out there! Please no hate, I don't have room for hate rn! 

Anyway hoped you enjoyed this chapter!

Peace out. 

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