4 * It's hard*

43 5 0

Corbyn's P.O.V

Me and the boys notice Rose falling asleep. I nod at the boys and we start singing 8 letters as I'm playing with her hair. I get lost in the moment and look up at the boys. When we finish singing I look down at her. She was breathing heavy. I couldn't tell if she was asleep.

"Hey Zach, Is she asleep? I whisper.

Zach walks towards us and kneels down beside her. He moves the hair out of her face and puts it behind her ear. He kisses her forehead and smiles.

"Yeah. " He says as he stands up. I continue to play with her hair. After about five minutes I move her head carefully trying not to wake her up. I gently pick her up and carry upstairs to my room. She moves and buries her head in my chest. One of her hands is placed on my chest. I smile. How can someone be so beautiful? I didn't think it was possible, but here she is, laying in my arms, the most beautiful girl I've ever met. I thought she was beautiful when we left. I didn't think it was possible for her to be prettier, but here she is a year later, prettier than ever.

I walk up stairs up to my room. I open the door and put her down on my bed. I pull the sheets over her, and tuck her in. I move the hair out of her face, I place a kiss on her forehead and walk out of the room. I walk back downstairs to the boys. They all look up at me as I walk down the stairs.

"Is she asleep?" Jack asks as he stands up.

"Yeah, she is." I say as I walk to the couch and sit down. It's been a long day. Rose arriving with no warning. Then her telling us everything that happened to her while we were gone broke our hearts. She didn't deserve any of that. She was a nice, sweet caring girl. She doesn't deserve what happened to her. We weren't there to stop it, and now I feel bad.

" Are you thinking about what she told us?" Daniel asks as he comes and sits on the couch with me.

" Yeah, she didn't deserve any of it Daniel."

"I know she didn't."

"Maybe if we didn't move away, we could of been there to stop it, when she needed us most, we weren't there."

"Remember she was the one who wanted us to go? We didn't want to, but we did anyway for her, and now look at where we are now. We are famous, and she's here with us like we've always wanted her to be right by our side, and now we can protect her from anything, and we are here for her." Daniel says as he pats my back.

Yeah, your'e right." I said as I looked at him.

"Remember the day we left, when we said goodbye."

"How could I not remember that day, it was the worst day of my life." 

*Flashback to the day they left*

" Ok, you guys, do you have everything you need. " Rose asks us while we were driving to the airport.

"Yes, Mom." Jack said as he laughed.

We were trying to make the best of it, because deep down we were all upset. We didn't want to leave her behind, but she couldn't come with us. The car ride was silent, all the way to the airport. We didn't know what to say without crying. When we got to the airport, we all got out of the car, and walked inside. Rose looked at us and smiled.

We all had hoodies in our hands, we weren't going to wear them. We were going to give them to her, to remember us bye. She looked at us, as one single tear escaped her eye. She quickly wiped it away.

"So, this is really it." She says as she's trying not to cry.

"Yeah." I say.

She looks at us and smiles weirdly.

"What's with the hoodies?" she asked as she laughed. God I was going to miss that laugh.

"There for you." Zach said as he held out the hoodie for her to grab.

" What?" She asked, surprised.

" We don't want you to forget us, so we all picked out a hoodie to give to you, one from each of us." Zach explained and pushed the hoodie into her arms. We all joined and gave her the hoodies. She looked down at them, and hugged them close to her chest. She smiled and looked up.

"I would never forget you guys, hoodies or not." As she answers her eyes open wide like she remembered something.

" I have something for all of you too." She says as she goes through her purse. She pulled out 5 bracelets and went through the line.

"I know it's cheesy to give 5 seventeen year old boy's friendship bracelet's but I'm Going to give them to you anyway." She said as she smiled.

I looked down at the bracelet. It was beautiful. They all were. We put on the bracelets she just gave us. She looked at us shocked and then smiled.

"Thank you." We all say in unison.

"No problem." she replies.

Plane leaving for L.A is boarding in 5 minutes.

We all hear the announcement and look at each other and frown.

"Well then this is it."

"Yup." she replies.

We all give her a hug one by one holding on tight, not wanting to let go. I gave her one last, she pulled my head close and whispered in my ear.

"Goodbye Corbyn." She whispered softly, I could feel her warm breath on my cheek. I pulled away from the hug and grabbed her shoulders and pulled her so close to my face that we were only inches apart.

"Don't say goodbye, I don't like goodbyes, and it's not goodbye Rose. We'll see each other soon, you can count on that. So no Goodbye's. More like a see ya later Rose." I said as tears streamed down my face.

She pulled me into another hug and whispered in my ear again. 

" I love you Corbyn, don't ever forget that."

"I love you too Rose." I say as I pull away. She looks at me and smiles.

"I love you all." She says as we do one last group hug.

"We love you too Rose."

We pull away from the group hug and take one last good look at what we are leaving behind.

"We have to go." Daniel says.

We started to walk towards the entrance, we all looked back and waved. She waved back and blew a kiss at all of us. We saw tears stream down her face, as she walked away. We get on the plane and sit down. We all looked at each other then at the bracelets she gave us. We all cried silently realizing what we just left behind. 


I cried when i wrote this lol. I'm very emotional. I get attached to the characters too easily anyway 


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