13 *speechless*

30 3 1

Rose's P.O.V

I wake up to the sun blinding me. I slowly open my eyes and cover them. I get out of bed and stretch. When I'm done going to the bathroom, I grab my phone and look at it. Corbyn's name pops up on my screen. I click on our messages and read what he texted me. 

                                                          Bean 💕😇

Bean 💕😇: Hey baby, me and the boys aren't home rn. We had an interview early in the morning. We should be home by 2 or 3. Have a good morning. Love you 

Rose💜😍: Ok baby, see you when you get home. Love you too ❤

I click my phone off and put it down. I go to the bathroom and take a shower. I turn the water on hot and let the water spill all over me. It feels good on my body. I feel dirty, after everything I can still feel him on me, and I can still feel his breathe on my neck. I take the scrubby thingy ( I don't know what they are called) and scrub every part of my body. I scrub and scrub till my skin is red and raw. I look down at the bruises and the cuts, and that's when I cry, my tears flowing down my cheeks along with the shower water. I miss my mom, she would told me I could get through this, but without her it's really hard too. I cry all the tears. I cry my soul out, I slide down the shower wall and pull my knees up to my chest. After about 5 minutes of crying, I get up and finish washing myself. I turn off the water, and get out of the shower. I dry off and look at myself in the mirror. Why does he love me? I'm not pretty at all, and I don't see why he loves me. I look down and take a deep breath. I get dressed and lay on my bed. I look through my phone when I get a sudden text. Probably Corbyn, but when I look at the message it's not from Corbyn. It's from a unknown number. What the hell? 

Unknown:  Hey Baby girl, miss me? 

Rose: Sorry, think you have the wrong number

Unknown: No i don't 

Rose: Who is this? 

Unknown: Oh so you don't remember me? 

Rose: I'm going to ask again, Who is this? 

Unknown: Its Jordan baby girl. 

Rose: How did you get my number? 

Jordan: Not important, I just want to let you know, you can'y hide from me forever baby, I will find you some day, and you will be mine again. 

Rose: No, I will never be yours, I've moved on

Jordan: I will find you, you can count on that 

Rose: Please leave me alone

Jordan: Till we meet again 😉

I turn off my phone and throw is across the room. So many thoughts rush through my mind like  a hurricane. What if he finds me? What if he hurts me? What if he hurts Corbyn? My heart race starts to speed up, I start to shake, my hands trembling. I suddenly can't breathe, the room starts spinning. I try to control it but I can't I try to get out of bed, but it's like my legs aren't even there. I gasp for air nothing. My vision starts to blur from the tears streaming down my face. I feel dizzy. I grab my phone. I have to call Corbyn. I click on Corbyn's contact and hit the call button. 

Call with Corbyn

Corbyn: Hey baby, what's up? 

Rose: You..you.. nee...need to to get home... 

Corbyn: Baby? what's wrong? what happened? 

Rose: Jus...just come ho...home... ple....please

Corbyn: We are coming home right now, we will be there in ten. Stay calm ok baby? 

I struggle to breathe, my words try to form, but they get caught in my throat I can't talk to answer Corbyn, he keeps asking if I'm ok, but I can't answer him. My words try to form and I open my mouth, but they just don't come out. Corbyn keeps telling me that he'll be home soon, and to hang in there. My panicking keeps getting worse. I can't breathe and I try to breathe, but I can't. Suddenly I hear the front door slam open, and foot steps running up stairs. My bedroom door swings open and hits the wall. Corbyn looks around and then looks down. He see's me and immediately comes rushing to my side. he picks me up and holds me in his arms. He strokes my hair and starts talking softly. He starts singing What am I and my breathing starts to slow down a bit. The other boys join in and start to kneel beside me. They all sing and look at me. When they are done my breathing is mostly normal, and I'm not shaking as bad. I look up at them and smile a little. Corbyn hugs me close to his chest. 

"What happened?" He asks. I still couldn't speak. I pick up my phone and unlock it. I click on Jordans contact and shove the phone in his face. Corbyn takes the phone and reads through the messages. The boys kneel beside him and also read the texts. For some reason I still couldn't talk, I wanted to, but the words just wouldn't come out, they felt like a lump in my throat. He looks up at me and gives me back my phone. 

" Baby? Are you ok?" I open my mouth but immediately close my mouth . I nod my head yes and stand up. Zach stands up with me and hugs me. They all get up and hug me again. Corbyn stays with me, while the other boys go downstairs. Corbyn looks at me with a worried face. I want to talk, but the words still don't come out. What is wrong with me? Corbyn pulls me into a hug, and holds me. 

"let's get something eat." He says as he pulls away. I look at him and smile. Talk Rose, god dammit talk! I open my mouth to speak, but still nothing. 

"Baby talk to me." He says. Believe me I want to, but I can't. I look up at him and smile. I grab my phone and type  I can't I send it to him, and as I hit send, he takes out his phone and reads it. He looks at me confused. 

"why not?" I type the words on the screen. They won't come out, sent. He gets the message and smiles. 

"Ok baby you don't have to talk. Talk when you are ready."  

"I will" I say, out loud. I look up and smile. Finally I have my voice back! Corbyn hugs me and smiles. 

"Now let's go eat, shall we?"

"We Shall." 


Ok guys, I know this is kinda a weird chapter but like, I Like it lol. 

anyway PEACE 

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