3 *Broken*

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Previously: " It's hot in here." She said, as she lifted up the sleeves of the hoodie she was wearing. I looked at her arms. What the heck? I looked closer, bruises, bright purple bruises, and cuts along her forearms. Also new and old, some were scabbed and some were so faded that you could barley see them. 

What happened while we were gone?

Corbyn's P.O.V

I looked at her face, and when she caught my eyes looking, I looked back down at her arms. She noticed, and quickly pulled her sleeves down.

" So how's Texas?" Jack asked as he put an arm around her shoulder.

She looked at him and laughed. That laugh could brighten up any room. That laugh I've missed for so long. Her laugh is contagious but in a good way. She looked up and smiled.

"It's fine, hot, but fine." she said

"Good, but how are you?" I asked. I knew I shouldn't have asked. Her smile quickley faded, she looked down and started playing with the sleeves of the hoodie. She looked back up and smiled. I knew that smile was fake I could tell, her face was happy, but her eyes held sadness and emptiness when you looked closely at them.

"Oh me? I'm fine. Thanks for asking."

She spoke so fast and after she said that she changed the subject and looked away from me, and that when the boys noticed too.

"Alright, what really happened, Rose? " Daniel asked as he stepped closer.

"Yeah, cause we a know that your dad would of never let this happen." Jonah said.

"And, we can tell by your face. Something is up, you can tell us." Zach said.

She looked at us and smiled, but right after that her smile turned to a frown, and that frown turned to tears, and that's when she broke and spilled everything, and told us what really happened while we were gone. She explained why she really stopped talking to us, she explained why she had the bruises and cuts on her arms. In between sobs, and tears she explained everything. Telling us everything, Pouring her soul's contents onto us. We all looked at each other and cried silently while she told us everything. When she was done we understood everything, we realized why she came here. She needed us more than ever, and we just left without realizing what damage we had caused. Her whole world was torn apart, and she is still here, but she's broken, and we are going to try to fix her, but we don't know if that's possible. 

Rose P.O.V

After I told the boys what happend they hugged me and said that I'll be ok. Will I? They took my bags and put them in Corbyn's room for now. They all wak back downstairs and sat next to me on the couch.

"So, you have nowhere to go?" Jack asks.

"No, I don't Noodles." I sigh and lay on the couch. Corbyn goes to sit, he moves me head, and gently places it on his lap. He starts playing with my hair.

"You can stay with us!" Zach yells. I laugh and then smile.

" Oh my god, yesssssss." Jack yells.

"We are are going to live with The Flower!" Daniel yells.

I laugh and look up at Corbyn, he's looking at me and smiling.

" I like that idea guys." I say and sit up.

"Good." Corbyn says. I lay back down on his lap. He starts playing with my hair again. He looks down at me and smiles again. My eyes start to get heavy. All the boys notice, and then they start singing 8 letters softly. My eyes start to get heavier, they slowly shut, and the dark swallows me.


this is kinda a short chapter but ehh whatevs ! Anyway actually I got nothing to say lol. 

Peace out!  

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