14* Forever and always*

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"Mom, You can't leave!" the girl says as her mom lays in a hospital bed. 

"Baby, you know it's not my choice." The girl grips her mothers hand. The little girl looks at her dying mother, as tears sit upon her eyelashes. The mother picks up her hand and wipes her daughters tears away. The girl looks at her mother and smiles. The mother picks her daughters chin up with her two  fingers. 

"You are beautiful, never forget that." The girl cries out and lays her head on her mothers chest. The dying woman's chest slowly rising and falling under the girls head. The mother puts her hand on the crying girls head. She starts to stroke her daughters long blonde hair, and whispers sweet little things. The girl picks up her head to look at her dying mother. The mother takes her hands up to her neck and carefully takes off the necklace to give to her daughter. She moves the girls hair aside and put the necklace around her neck. The daughter turns round and takes another look at her mother. 

She notices how her cheeks are sunken in, and how she has dark circles under her eyes. She notices how boney she is. She look at the paleness of her mothers skin, and she thinks back at how tan she used to be. Her hair a mess, and frizzes flying everywhere. The mother takes her daughters hand and smiles gently. She cups her cheek and tells her she'll be ok, and how she still has her father. Tears stream down the mother face, and she let's them fall. The daughter looks at her mother and smiles. The mother speaks so softly, but where her daughter can still hear her. 

"I'll be here, Forever and always." The mother says, suddenly her mothers grip on the daughters hand goes limp, her eyes flutter close, and the heart monitor has the steady loud beep, that the daughter has always dreaded to hear. She grips her mother hand one last time. She kisses her  mothers forehead and whispers,

" I'll love you always and forever." 

Rose P.O.V

I wake up with tears in my eyes, and flowing down my face. I sit up and rub them away. She said I'll always have my father, where is he now? Probably drunk screwing some random chick. I sigh and get out of bed. I use the bathroom and grab my phone. I look at the time. 3:13 AM. I go downstairs quietly trying not to wake the boys. I walk to the kitchen and open the cabinet to find some oreos. I grab the pack of cookies and put them on the counter. I open the carefully so they don't make a loud noise. I take a cookie out and place it in my mouth. I chew and swallow, then take  a few more out and put the pack away. I get a glass of milk and sit down at the table. I scroll Instagram and like a few posts and eat my cookies. I get up to put the glass in the sink, when suddenly I feel a pair of arms around my waist. I jump a little then turn around to see Corbyn's sleepy face. 

"Hey bubs, what are you doing awake at 3 in the morning?" I ask him, he pulls away and smiles. He rubs his eyes with the back of his hands and sighs. 

"I should ask you the same thing young lady." He says as he puts his hands on his hips and gives me a serious face. I quietly laugh and smile. 

" I was hungry, and couldn't sleep." I say as he walks up to me and grabs me by the waist. He laughs and looks down. I look down too. Oh crap, I forgot I was only wearing a large t-shirt to bed with just a pair of underwear on underneath. I instantly look down again and blush. Corbyn notices and laughs again. He picks my chin up and looks me in my eyes. 

"You look good baby." He says as he kisses me. My hands find my way to his hair, and his hands find my waist, drawing me closer to his body. His hands run down my spine sending shivers throughout my whole body. I pull away and smile at him. He does the same. Suddenly he picks me up bridal style and starts walking up the stairs with me. I giggle and tell him to put me down. 

"Nope" he responds as he opens the door to his room. He places me on the bed and cuddles up next to me. I put my hand on his chest and snuggle closer to him. He me closer and whispers in my ear. 

"I'll always love you, forever and always." I quickly pull away and look at him, that's me and my mom's thing. No one else knows about that. He sits up and looks at me confused. 

"How do you know that?" I ask as I start to look at him again. 

"Your mom, before we moved told me to say that to you one day, because she wouldn't be able to." He says as he looks away. I bring his face closer to mine and connect our lips. I smile in between the kiss, as he does the same. He pulls away and looks at me. 

"Of course she did." He smiles at me and pulls me against him. 

"I'll love you always and forever." I say back, soon after that I fall into a deep sleep, letting the darkness swallow me whole. 


AWWWW Finally the book title is in the book! I think it's cute how i introduced this. Don't come at me lol. 

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