7 *Why?*

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Rose P.O.V

We never ended up swimming. When they saw everything they told me it would be ok, but I don't think it is. After trying to eat breakfast I felt sick, and threw up. Now since then, I've been feeling like crap. I get this pain in my stomach, that makes me cry out. Luckily I'm in Corbyn's room, and he's not here so he can't see. Maybe it's cramps. Hopefully It is because I'm 2 weeks late. I go to the bathroom and stare at myself in the mirror. What if I'm pregnant? Oh no. At this sudden thought I cry out, not in pain, but in disgust. I fall to the floor and cry. I gather myself into a ball and cry some more. What am I supposed to do if I am? I get up and go back to Corbyn's room, and climb back into his bed. It smells like him, so it calms me down a little bit. I'm still crying, when Corbyn walks in.

"Hey Rose." he says as he sits at the edge of the bed. I don't say anything, I don't move.

"Rose?" he asks, as he shakes my shoulder.

"Yeah?" I say back with all the strength in my body.

"You ok?"

"No, far from it." I say as I sit up.

"What's wrong."

"Nothing." I say as I turn away from him. When I turn away he pulls me the other way again.

"What's wrong with you? Are you not feeling well?" I look at him, and smile sheepishly. I sit up, and look at him. I should tell him.

"I'm 2 weeks late." I blurt out. He looks at me confused, he has no idea what I'm talking about.

"I'm two weeks late for my period, Corbyn." I say as I look away. After about a minute I turn to face him again and his expression had changed, he knew what I meant now.

"Oh, does that mean you-."

"Pregnant?" I finished his sentence for him.

"I don't know." I continued.

"I mean it could be, I'm never late for it, Corbyn. I feel weird, and nauseous. I need to take a pregnancy test. If I'm pregnant, I'm not keeping it Corbyn, I can't have it. One I'm not ready, and too young to take care of a child, and two I can't have a child of a rapist, and if it's my dad's, that's gross, and I would never raise a child that belongs to my dad." I say, tears stream down my face.

"Not after what he did to me." I cried more. Corbyn pulls me into a tight hug and holds me close. 

"I understand, I'll go to the store and pick a test up,you stay here and take a nap, I'll be back." Corbyn hugs me again and leaves. I take a nap, after about an half hour, I hear the door open to see Corbyn's face walking towards me.

"Here, go take it." He says as he hands me the test. I take the test out of his hand and walk to the bathroom. When I get to the bathroom, I take the test, and wait. I walk out of the bathroom, while leaving it on the counter.

"We have to wait 5 minutes, then we'll see the results." I say as I sit on the bed.

"Ok." he says as he sits next to me.

The next five minutes are silent. I'm so nervous I start to play with my hands. I cross my fingers and pray. I hope I'm not pregnant, I can't have that baby, and getting rid of it will hurt worse than finding out I am pregnant, it would hurt even worse than being beat by my dad. When five minutes are up I get up and just stand in front of the bathroom door. I'm not ready for this at all. My nerves are rising by the second. I left the test upside down so I'll have to flip it over to see the results. I slowly open the bathroom door and look at the test that's sitting on the counter. I gulp. Corbyn comes up beside me and puts a hand on my shoulder.

"Whatever it says, It'll be ok, I promise."

I look at him, and nod no.

"Don't make promises you can't keep." I say as I put my hand on top of his. I take my hand and stretch it to the top of the counter. I grab the test and pull it close to me and Corbyn. I take a deep breath and swallow all the spit in my mouth. I look at Corbyn, he smiles and nods towards the test. I nod back and close my eyes. I flip it over with my eyes closed. Corbyn squeezes my shoulder, as if he's preparing me for something, but nothing could've prepared me for the 2 lines that were on the test when I finally opened my eyes.

I screamed out, I fell to the floor with the test in my hand.

Positive. It was positive. I look at it again to make sure this isn't some kind of nightmare. I pinch myslef although I feel it, and don't wake up. Corbyn kneels beside me, trying to reassure me that everything is ok, when truly and deep down he knew it wasn't. I cry and then cry some more. My whole world just came crashing down in 5 minutes. I'm not ready for this, I gasp for air, suddenly I can't breathe. I start shaking all over, and hyperventilating. I can't breath. I grab at my chest, and take a big breath. I gasp trying to get more air in my lungs. I start to shake even more. I pull my knees upto my chest and cry the hardest I've ever cried before. Corbyn pulls me next to him, and starts stroking my hair, trying to calm me down, but It's not working this time. My vision starts to get blurry, because of all the tears. I look back down at the test that was still in my hands, I blink twice looking at it. 2 pink lines. This can't be happening.

No, no, no, no, no no!!!!!!."I scream at the top of my lungs, tears stream down my face, like one big tear. Suddenly, the bathroom door bursts open as I see the 4 boys standing there. Corbyn looks up at them. He tries to grab the test out of my hand to give it to them to show them why I'm crying, but I won't let go of it. He finally gets the test out of my death grip, and tosses it to Jonah. Jonah catches it and looks down at it, he gasps and looks at Corbyn. The boys look over Jonah's shoulder, and their mouths fly open.

"Oh my god." Jonah whispers.

I start to get up slowly, while wiping my face with the back of my hands. Corbyn helps me up and holds me by the waist, because if he lets go, I'll fall again. 

"I'm not keeping it, I'm going to the abortion clinic tomorrow and getting rid of it." I say as Corbyn leads me to his room. I sit down on his bed and sigh.

"Ok, we''ll take you." Jack says as he hugs me. They all hug me, and walk out the room. Corbyn stays, and lays with me. Finally I calm down, and the dark swallows me. 

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