One Shot (Poem?) - Chains of Love

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I sit on a dark empty street

With smoke filling my mouth and my head

Loud music keeping my heartbeat steady.

When I look over, I see you

Dark clothes, dark shades, dark hair

Almost another shadow lost in this drab city

Chained down to it.

(For love, it's all for love, you say.

Everyone knows you and her lie.

Chains of love, I muse.

That'd make for a good song)

The distance is killing us,

Even when we're like this.

Side to side.

I want your head on a goddamned spike.

I want to hurt you for staying behind.

I say mean things and you ignore them,

Just like you've always done.

I call her awful, terrible things

And you jump to action

And my fists rain down on you

Out of pure sheer rage.

You never fought for me.

I want your heart on a wooden chest for me to keep

I want your blood on a goblet,

Your breath in a flask.

I want your love,

Your blush,

Your sighs.

They should be mine



You were meant to be mine.

Not hers, never hers, don't you lie to yourself.

I sit on a street in this grim corner of the world,

Feeling like I'm on the edge of fame, of history.

Feeling like a leap of faith will bounce me to the top.

Yearning for a rope to drag you down with me.

I feel no remorse when I kick you in the head until you cry

Do you even know,

How many times I did so too?

Let your tears roll down, exi boy.

Let me savour them.

Think of me when you're in pain.

That's exactly how I've felt.

My love is selfish and poisonous,

I'd rather destroy you than let you go.

And when I have no choice than to do so,

Well, darling.

I'd much rather see you dead.

Fucked up theory time: What if Paul indirectly killed Stuart when they had that fight on-stage over Astrid? ((Basically causing him the aneurysm that later killed him by virtue of beating the shit outta him)).

Take that and make it Toxic McSutcliffe, and that's what this is.

Just, Paul not standing that Stu would leave him, and picking fights with him knowing how fragile he is, hoping to kill him if not hurt him severely, because if he can't have him then no one can.


((I know John wrote all the sickly possessive songs like 'You Can't Do That' or 'Run For Your Life', but I think this particular version of Paul would definitely pen down some shit of that sort))

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