One Shot - Wisdom Teeth

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Stuart complained about tooth aches a lot, but then again Stuart complained about everything.

He loved the attention, and loved being coddled and cared for, which meant he took full advantage of Paul's mother hen instincts, the fucker.

Just because Paul knew basic first aid didn't mean he was a licensed nurse, as his stupid partner seemed to think he was.

Two years ago, Paul had refused to help Stuart through a migraine and almost lost him entirely. An aneurysm that could've killed him, had he not been taken to the emergency room in time.

(Good thing John taught Paul how to drive, which meant he had a complete disregard for speed limits. Also good thing he recognized the signs of a seizure.)

So now, everytime Stuart showed the minimal discomfort or sign of illness, Paul felt the moral obligation of tending to him or at least checking before deciding whether it was worth the fuzz or not.

Which lead them to the present situation.


'Cah ye see so'ethi'?'

'Oh, yes, they definitely need to be taken out'


'Shit indeed'


It wasn't a secret that they were broke. Absolutely dirt poor, with nothing to their name except the house they lived in.

Just two stupid youths who picked love over safety and now suffered the consequences.

Luckily, Paul was quite flexible when it came to solutions.

So there he was, cursing under his breath as he gathered whatever he could find that could possibly be helpful for an impromptu surgery.

In the end he got some ice, a bottle of alcohol, gauze, tweezers, a knife and a few not so rusty tools such as a tiny pickaxe with no handle.

Well, beggars can't be choosers.

It would do.


'Is... Is this gonna hurt?'

'Yes, and even more so if you keep spitting out the ice'

'It hurts my mouth!'

'It's gonna hurt even more if you don't numb it, so put it back on and shut up for a minute, will you?'

'Give us a kiss first'

'I hate you'

'No you don't'


Paul almost contemplated knocking Stu out before the procedure, but figured it would be counterproductive considering his previous historial of head lesions.

So he settled for the ice and a lot of prayers. This would be fine. He would be fine.

How hard can it be to remove a few wisdom teeth?




'Jesus Christ!'



It was very hard to remove wisdom teeth.

But he did it! With little to no collateral damage!

Except both of their shirts and the sofa, which were now blood stained, but hey. It could've been worse.

Stuart rinsed his mouth with a painful wince and looked at Paul with teary eyes.

Paul quickly shoved another piece of ice on his mouth and gave him a gentle kiss.



'Hu'ts even wo'se now'

'It'll pass'

'Cah I have ice cweam?'



'But you can have all the kisses you want'

'Thanks, angel cake'

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