◇/☆ - It hurts

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Requested by: Jinah
Artist: Jazmenia


The Ripper x Jonah

'You're a disgrace to this family!!'

Sky being tainted with a hue of pastel blue, fluffy clouds moving ever so slowly while flying creatures soars through the gentle breeze like they've owned it. A cute 5 year old child giggled happily with her little feet running around to catch the beautiful butterfly above her. She really wanted to capture the creature but her small hands just cant reach that high enough, yet she didnt give up and continue to follow the butterfly.

The sight in front of her made the woman giggle in delight, her hands not stopping to do the laundry while she keeps check on her child from time to time. Their life felt so at peace living half a mile away from the town, the forest makes you feel so relaxed. He would always visit them everyday but because of  that 'misunderstanding', his visits grew less and short; only giving the woman their daily needs.

And because of that huge misunderstanding, many prostitutes died after everything that happened related to her and to her lover's family. They thought that Jonah's one of these 'prostitutes' but she isnt, only making her feel even more guilty thinking that those poor souls had to die without any reason.



The bar is filled with people again and seeing them seems like its already a daily routine for him. Obviously not the sight of him to get used to, but he could get used to seeing the waitress of this bar that her family owns; A hot spot for every person who wanted to get wasted or just have fun with friends.

He acted like a mere commoner while staying in this place, not wanting to get into trouble since commoners hate royalties like himself, then wear a simply outfits to fit in. His personal butler wanted to stop him from going in this 'dirty' place, as he says, but Jack only ignored him and went off in secret. His butler doesnt really have a choice but to let him be and not let his parents know about his absence.

"Good afternoon, Jack! The usual?" The waitress finally asked after walking around the bar.  Jack smiled at the girl before him and nod his head. The girl smiled and went off to tell his order to the counter. Jack only watched wherever she goes, not even getting bored of it. Jonah would occasionally glance at him, which made him smile even more when they quickly made eye contact and she'll quickly look away due to embarrassment. It was only a simple action until they finally delivered his order to his table.

Simple actions that brought their lives together and fell in love.

There is always a rule in royalty, a rule that is forbidden to marry a commoner since it will only ruin their family name. They dont accept commoners and they only think of them as a mere trash in the ground but Jack didnt have that kind of mindset. He thinks that each are equal and they still deserve to be respected.

Life was good, both having a child of their own, but good things always has their ends when Jack's family knew the whole truth. They thought that he was seduced by a mere 'prostitute' and ordered their guards to kill each of them, not one will be left alive. Jonah doesnt have a choice and quickly flee with their child. Jack lastly gave her a blue blanket for their child... 

A blue blanket with a very unique pattern and a logo of Jack's family crest.



These thoughts of hers made her hand stop and slowly fell at her sides, eyes staring at the beautiful blanket in front of her, moving with the breeze until her eyes glanced back to her daughter again. The child stopped once she noticed her mother looking at her. she quickly waved her hand in glee and it made her mother smile in return but her guilt never left her shoulders.

Her daughter, Claire, quickly ran towards her mother with open arms. She gladly opened her arms wide and quickly scooped her daughter up in her arms in a very loving matter.

"Jonah! I got another message for you" a familiar voice yelled. A man walk his way directly to the two girls with a bag filled with different types of mails. Jonah finally lets go of her daughter and went up to the mailman with a smile on her face "a letter from Vivian again?"

"Not this time" He smiled and pulls out a mail with a very familiar red seal. She grew confused, hands slowly grabbing the mail from his hands "seems like the prince is getting married with the beautiful duchess from Relis Kingdom. You're one lucky lad to attend such an elegant wedding from the royalties!" he grinned from ear to ear and finally bid his farewell to the woman before him.

Her smile slowly dropped once the man finally left, as if her world turned upside down. She glanced down at the beautiful letter in her hands, crumpling it in grief and sadness. The pain in her chest was suffocating that tears slowly streams down her cheeks.

It hurts so much...


Short, late publish, and writer's block...

I've been busy with online classes these days :'>

Stay at home and be safe everyone! ♡

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