chapter four

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There were a lot of ships setting sail that day. A lot of the boats were grande and beautiful and some less so. The ship furthest East that Thomas could find was a gnarly looking ship made of old dark wood. It looked to have so many wooden patches from cannon blasts in its side that Thomas thought it lucky to still be above water. The sails too were ragged and patched and the men outside it, carrying crates onto the boats much more so. They were wearing saggy pants falling off of their bottoms with patches and stains. And they were all sunburnt with tan leathery skin, long ragged beards and shifty looking eyes.

"Hey Thomas, you came mate," yelled a voice poking over the end of the ship. Leaning from a rope on the side of the boat was indeed Leech wearing a striped blue and white shirt and sagging pants with a hankerchief to tie back most of his hair. He swung from the rope and landed in front of Thomas.

"Well come on then," he said gesturing him to follow.

"You want me to go, on that?" Thomas asked gesturing at the horrid thing.

"She's a beaut, eh? The old things faster than nere other boat and resilent. Lasted us through the worst of storms. We never lost a man to the sea so far. Just to the pointy end of a sword," he said.

"What manner of job is this? How much do you plan to pay me exactly?" Thomas asked and when he did he felt something sharp jab into his back.

"Nothing," said a raspy voice that had no doubt chewed too much tobacco. Thomas turned and was face to face with none other than Cruel Cole.

The Cruel Cole. The man that had been so elaborately drawn on every wanted sign on every post in every town. The man who struck terror and fear into the very heart of every citizen at the mere mention of his name. The man who'd killed more than a man could count; who'd gained his spot as Captain by betraying his lifelong best friend and then stabbing him, literally in the back. The cruelest man on Earth. Captain Cruel Cole. It was then that Thomas knew that he had been had.

His eyes widened and he said nothing as the pirates around him tore off his cloak and snatched his bag.

"Nice cloak," one of them said and put it on and began dancing and giggling in it.

Thomas didn't protest he was so struck with fear he couldn't even move.

"Oho, look at this, the boys' got some money," said another pirate and a few of the boys fought over it before Cruel Cole snatched it and tossed it to Leech.

"Good job, mate," he told him. Leech caught it and grinned.

"At your service," he said with a bow and left as the men dragged Thomas onto the boat.

Once on the boat the ship set sail, Thomas was forced onto his knees on the ground.

"What is it that you want with me?" Thomas asked as all the men crowded around him.

"Your blind obedience and never ending service. You've been recruited by our Leech here to join our forces. We'll have to start you off as a cabin boy until you earn our respect and be promoted to a real pirate. Cabin boys work for nothing. Just to one day gain our favor. Pirates get equal cuts of whatever it is we steal. As a pirate, you can make nothing or as much gold as you can grab, and that's the beauty of the occupation," Cruel Cole said.

And everyone roared and cheered.

"I'm going to have to decline your offer, no thank you. But I am honored to have been selected. Now if you'll excuse me," Thomas said, trying to get to his feet but he was forced back onto his knees.

"'E thinks 'e 'as a choice!" Cole said and everyone roared and laughed and someone spit a wad of tobacco at him. Cole grabbed him by his ear and shoved him against the wall.

"Three things you're going to have to remember, I - am - God," he said, to another layer of rowdy cheers.

He let him go and began yelling orders at the men to get back to work. Thomas gazed over at the shore that was slowly disappearing and wondered what exactly he'd gotten himself into.

Leech threw an arm across his shoulders, "Very hospitable aint he?" Leech said. Thomas shrugged him off.

"What did you get me into?!" Thomas yelled.

Leech unsheathed his sword just a slight to remind him that he had one.

"Watch it, buddy. 'Fore I scratch some cuts across ye gut. Case you get yourself into something like this again. Never trust a guy that calls himself Leech. Not too smart on your part."

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