chapter five

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Life as a cabin boy was cruel. Crueler than the life Thomas had left. Cabin boys slept on the floor. Their only duty was to clean up and serve the pirates. They ate only the scraps off of their plates and pirates barely left anything on their plates besides crumbs and bare bones. Whenever Cole was around the cabin boys had to get on their knees. They weren't allowed to look him in the eye or to talk to him. The other pirates smacked, kicked, punch and spat at him and Dung, the other cabin boy. They gave all cabin boys names like that. It was how Leech got his name. Normally when you're promoted to pirate, your name got changed but for some reason Leech's name stuck. Probably because of his personality.

Leech worked in the crow's nest so he barely saw him except at dinner when he had to serve that hateful boy. He didn't tease him like the other men did but still Thomas hated him. It was he who got him into this mess. Now he may never see Victoria again.

His stomach growled as he set down the plates for all the men. All he'd had to eat for the past few days was a few bones to suck on. Someone tripped him and he did a face plant into a bowl of soup and every one laughed. He was as he'd always been a joke. It was what he'd always be. He'd never be man enough for Victoria. Maybe she was better off with Edward.

"Ay, don't look so down my mate. Things'll look up," Leech said, coming from behind as Thomas started to sort out the aftermath of dinner. Nothing could be more catastrophic than that after a pirate's meal. He'd already pulled 10 forks out of the wall and was currently trying to scrape the remaints of a thrown tomato off of it. If the place wasn't clean enough to lick, the boatswain, Sweeney would bash his head into the wall. And he actually did lick it to test.

Thomas turned and saw it was Leech and went back to scraping.

"I've brought a peace offering," he said, holding out an apple. Thomas grabbed it and devoured it hungrily.

"Did you bring one for me?" Dung asked. Leech shoved his head and sent him flying a few steps.

"Move on," he said. Dung ran off and Leech turned his attention to Thomas again.

"I've been where you are. Cept I willingly chose it. I'm from Knockout Beach, where all pirate ships make berth. There pirates are worshipped as 'eros. Always wanted to be one, y' know. Came on this ship was treated like dirt and changed my mind. Then I realized I had to stop feeling sorry for meself and do sum'in bout it," he said.

"Is there a reason why you're telling me this?" Thomas asked. He was finished with the apple and now trying to suck every last drop of juice out of the core.

"There's a reason why I chose you out of all them fools I could've just taken just by saying Siren's Song. You know how many people want to be pirates? Don't really have to trick people to come. You've got something special, I know you do. Now it's time to show it to the world," he said.

"I have a girl out there, waiting for me, Leech you know that. I came out here because I needed to a job to take care of her. I can't do that as a cabin boy for no pay. God knows when we'll make berth again. And I need to get back to her soon or she'll be forced to marry another man. You've ruined me by getting me on here," Thomas said.

"Privileged girl, is she?" Leech asked.

Thomas tossed the apple core towards the trash but Dung caught it mid air and began gnawing at it greedily.

"How did you know?" Thomas asked.

"Cause you're from the north lands I could tell by your accent, Briarwood probably and you speak proper. Sure nuff the girl you wants gots to be rich enough to need more than whatever coin you made over there to make you come to the seas. If ye think she's gon be satisfied with a few silvers a week then you're mad," Leech said.

Thomas sighed.

"Ye had that same sad needy look in ye eyes when I saw ya. That's how I knew you was the perfect candidate. Ya get promoted to pirate and with the right stroke of luck you can send yer girlfriend pearl necklaces. And I've got word that we're close ta getting access to the greatest treasure," Leech said.

"What do you mean?" Thomas asked.

"Y'heard of siren gold, suspect?" Leech said.

Every little boy and girl had heard the stories of all of the gold at the bottom of the ocean from ships sunk by sirens. Sirens were mythical mermaids that drew you in with their song and then killed you. It was a child's story, is all, he never thought any of it was true.

"It's a real thing. On the bottom of the ocean is tons of treasure. And Cole knows how we can get it. Once we do Cole's told us every man can take what they can carry. Can you imagine? As much gold as you can carry. Be enough to impress your little trinket no doubt," he said.

"You trust this Cole? The man that betrayed his own best friend? What makes you think that he won't cheat you all and keep the gold for himself?" Thomas asked.

"Cause the only way he'll get past me and my treasure is if he walks into my sword. There's more a us than there is a him. He can't betray us like that. We won't let him," Leech said.

"When is all this supposed to happen?" Thomas asked.

"Cole says he knows a man in KO Beach that'll sell him a map to Savage Island. On Savage Island they have the map to the City of Gold. Once we get to Savage Island we're on our way mate," Leech said.

Could this be true? Could he really be close to finding the greatest treasure? It seemed surreal. Hard to believe. But a man could dream.

"Thing is you won't get squat as a cabin boy, which is why we need to get you on the 'ccelrated path to becoming a pirate," he said.

"I'm listening," Thomas said.

"Uh are you going to help me clean this place up or what?" Dung asked, carrying a stack full of plates into the Galley. Leech kicked him into the kitchen with his foot. By the sound of breaking plates, Thomas guessed he didn't have a happy landing.

"There's only one quick way to becoming a pirate here," Leech said and tossed him a sheathed sword that Thomas caught.

"You gotta challenge another pirate to a fight and kill him. Whatever rank he is, whatever job he 'as you get if you're able," Leech said. Thomas pulled the sword out of its sheath, it seemed to slice the air. Something about it was natural, like he was meant to wield one. He felt, power.

"I've got last watch, a few hours before dawn when the ships the quietest. You meet me up there every night and I'll teach you to swing a sword," Leech said.

"Thought I should never trust a guy named Leech," Thomas said, eying the sword still and it's gleam off the candlelight.

"You shouldn't less you have no choice. And you don't less you want to be a cabin boy, forever," he said.

"See ya soon," Leech said with a wink.

"That's funny," Dung said, as Thomas went back to scraping the walls. When Thomas didn't ask him what, Dung spoke anyway, "Leech helping someone that is. Far as I know, he only helps himself."

Thomas ignored him.

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