Scratch Patch Diaries: Entry 1

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I know I'll always be a legend because I was good with the sword. But I want people to know I wasn't a good man. I want my children to know. So they could learn from My mistakes. This is my confession.

I'd done many bad things. But the one thing I'd always regret besides leaving my wife and child behind, whom I never saw again, was leaving behind Nala's child. She blamed herself because she easily went with us when we ran but I encouraged her to come with me to leave the kid behind because it was all for the gold. I really needed that gold but mostly I wanted the Opal of Elisea because I wanted to know what happened to my family and in the process I tore another family apart.

This is why I have to go back, to get her. And also I'd like to see what became of my son. I know now that he's alive and that he's in Briarwood. I'd like to see him. I wonder if he looks like me, or if he looks like Catherine. I hope he has her eyes, those beautiful mischievous brown green eyes I could color in in my sleep. I always loved her and felt guilty about the fact that I lost her and because of that I couldn't allow myself to love anyone else. If I were to pin another bad thing that I did I'd say it was sleeping with Cruel Cole's woman Rebecca. It was what tore us apart. Cole had been with me through it all, through thick and thin and I betrayed him.

It'd been about 2 yrs since I lost Catherine and became Captain of Siren's song when I heard the tale of the Opal of Elisea. We were drinking a bunch of Ale at the Drowned Sailor and swapping stories of gold when a man told me the legend. And I finally saw it as my way to find my wife. And it helped that there was a crap ton of treasure too. I knew the men would be with me on finding it. So I collected as many tales of the Opal of Elisea that I could until I could find someone who'd hand draw me a map to Savage Isle. Though the map turned out to be off and we were lost at sea and starving for months before we found it. Anyway, before I had hopes of finding Catherine, some would say I was a wayward soul.

Rebecca was a known wench that a lot of the men had once frequented, even me. and Cole decided he wanted to make her a wife because she was the only girl who'd turn away other guys when he was there. And he'd never really had any steady girls so I let him have her. That sounds pretty cocky to say. I mean let him have her as in she preferred me, but most of the wenches did, just because I was Captain of my own ship and what not. Also I'd never had trouble getting the girl in my life. So I had to say no to Rebecca so that Cole could have her. And Cole was so stupidly happy with her. I guess it kind of upset me. Because I knew what they had was flimsy and that I could break it if I wanted to. Me and Cole weren't getting along those days mostly cause I spent most of my days at the bottom of a rum flagon and not too many people were liking me and I was out of money and he was paying off my tabs and he wasn't appreciating it.

I got into a row with Cole he told me I needed to stop mourning Catherine. I needed to move on. He told me he had loved her too. And if he could move on so could I. And I told him anyone could find some wench to call their wife but true love's like Catherine don't come around by and by. And he was insulted cause I called his wench a wench and he punched me in the face and I was too drunk to fight back. I sure did try and winded up punching a brick wall and hurting myself further so I just put my back to the brick wall and slid down it to sit down laughing saying, wench wench wench she's a wench just to keep making him angry. And he didn't find it at all funny and he said that we were done.

Course then I went and slept with his wench to prove that she was just a wench. You see Rebecca was a nice lady and all don't mean to speak ill of her but she was like all of the other girls in knock out beach just looking for someone to save her. And whoever had the most coins or the most handsome leer could buy her heart. I didn't understand how he could not know that about her but now I know that he was probably just hopeful. Maybe he really just wanted to believe this was it for him. Maybe he just wanted it really bad and any pair of open legs would do. I dunno but I wrecked it for him right proper.

Then I got wind of the Opal of Elisea and began drinking less and having more hope for life and what not. And Rebecca got pregnant and Cole made an honest woman out of her and married her. I went to the wedding even though I wasn't invited just to stand in the back but he saw me and I half thought he would punch me in the face but he asked me to be his God father and of course I said sure and was glad to have my friend back. I actually forgot that I slept with Rebecca. I was really drunk all the time it was hard to keep memories.

I told Cole about the Opal of Elisea and since he was about to have a child he was all for the treasure hunt. Rebecca gave birth before we set sail for savage isle. And I was one of the first to hold it in my arms. And I'm not proud to admit I wept like a wee babe myself making ugly faces because it was a moment I missed, holding my own child for the first time. And when I cried the baby opened its eyes and its eyes were Blue like mine. And my eyes were really blue. Almost to the point where it looked like liquid that could leak from out of em.

Then I briefly remembered the one time I slept with Rebecca about 9 months ago and quickly passed the child to someone else before I left with haste. Cole noticed my quick retreat and asked me if I were alright and I told him without looking him in the eye the moment was hard for me and he told me I could still have that moment with my own child if I were to just settle down and find me a nice girl. I told him I already had one. He let me go, not wanting to have this argument again.

And I worried that one day he'd come knocking on my door with his sword drawn but he never did. He was enjoying his new child so I thought I'd gotten away with it. The bigger the child got the more she looked just like me and even Rebecca came to me worried about it. Rumors had begun to spread. She thought the best solution would be for her to leave him and be with me since Elie was my child and we could be a family. But I didn't have those sort of feelings for Rebecca and I knew that he did. I told her that we should continue on as is. And she told me I wasn't the right sort of man and spat in my face. I needed to leave the island and these problems soon so I prepared the ship for voyage. I tried to convince Cole to stay seeing as it could be an arduous journey and I'd already lost my own family for setting off on one of those. But he insisted on coming.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 01, 2020 ⏰

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