Buju, part 4

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They made berth at Knockout beach. It'd been nearly 6 months since he'd been there and he felt like he never left. It felt good to be on solid ground again. Before they left the boat, Cole called them over.

"You two, go and fetch the daughter, will ya? We'll be waiting back here for yah when you get back," Cole said

"What just us two? How're we 'sposed to do that? Isn't she in the palace gates?" Thomas said.

"That sounds like a personal problem. Off with yah then," Cole said.

"Why do we have to do it? Everyone else is going to be here drinking. And we have to ride by horseback into town to look around for some girl, who we don't even know," Thomas said.

"Newer pirates always get the shit missions. I'll come with ya if you like. S'been a while since I rode and camped and whatnot," Bloke said.

"Yer welcome ta come if ye like," Leech said. They rented horses in town packed lunches and went on their way. It was a day's ride if they didn't stop. They decided to go straight on with no sleep, thinking the girl might want to rest on the way back.

"What do you plan to do with the treasure when you have it?" Thomas asked Bloke. He realized he never asked anybody else what their plans were.

"What do you mean plan? I'm just going to use it to drink and buy whores until it runs out like every other pirate. Once it does we go back out to sea again in search for more. It's the pirates way," Bloke said.

"Here, here," Leech said.

"Really? That's how you plan to live the rest of your life?" Thomas said.

"Yep," Leech and Bloke said simultaneously.

They rode on for hours and it began to get dark. Soon it was pitch black. They stopped to give the horses some water, walking over to a lake that Bloke swore was nearby. Before they got down the hill, they noticed smoke coming out of the trees. They weren't the only ones there.

"I'll go investigate," Leech whispered.

"I'll come too," Thomas said. Bloke got stuck with the horses to his dismay. They walked slowly and steadily towards the smoke, careful not to step on any twigs on the way there. There were two people camping out. A man and a woman. The woman sat by the fire while the man stood analyzing a map.

"If we keep heading east we should be in Brambly by sunrise," he said.

"Why are we going to Brambly anyway?" the girl asked. As she turned to the fire they could clearly see her face and her cinnamon colored skin. Was that her? The savage? Thomas and Leech exchanged looks.

"The king has some distant cousin or something or the other that'll look after you. He has a farm and most of his children have moved out so he could use someone to help look after it. It should be a pretty good life for you. Quite peaceful. I grew up on a farm too, you know. He's also left you some money to ensure you'll be taken care of," Sir Oliver said. The King? Thomas mouthed. Leech shrugged.

"Does it sound like something a King would normally do for a measly servant?" the girl asked.

"I don't know anything, Buju, I just follow orders," Sir Oliver said.

Thomas and Leech looked at each other again, grinning.

"Bingo," Leech whispered.

"You have to know something. Why aren't you as shocked as I am?" Buju asked.

"I am mostly just relieved that you don't have to die as well as Phillip. And glad that you'll be taken care of," the man said, "Plus you know the king has always favored you. Everyone knew. Why I do not know but – " the man said.

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