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Draco POV

May I mention that Potter trying to tame my hair feels like he's petting it?
Anyway,Yesterday I asked myself
"Why do I bite from the neck?"
And I answered it 2 hours later.."Because it tastes better"
Yeah,Sue me,But I don't think I can stop Biting Potter's neck for blood.

Suddenly,Potter stepped back,"Finished!"..."And how do I know you didn't mess it up even more?"...
He showed me a mirror.."Wow,you actually did it.And you just carry around a mirror?"..." You don't need to know why I have one,And you should get back to your dorm.."...I looked around,Climbed his window....turned into a bat and flew away,But than I came back asking for blood,He lifted his arm.."Go ahead."...Instead of biting it,I grabbed it and pulled him towards me...And bit his neck,Then,I left.

I arrived at the Slytherin common room.But it was dinner time,So we all went to the Great Hall and to the Slytherin table.

Harry POV

Before we started eating,Dumbledore wanted to tell us something.
"Good evening,students.I'm hoping that you know Christmas is arriving,So,the staff contacted most of your parents,and are allowing you all to stay at Hogwarts for this holiday.Everyone will buy present for each other,So,We will give you all an extra week to create or buy gifts for everyone."...everyone started to cheer and laugh.So,if I think about it,we have next week to buy presents and the week after for Christmas.I looked at Ron and Hermione,they were equally as excited as everyone else.Then I looked at Malfoy,He was talking with Zabini,I turned back to Ron,and realized.."Wait,today is Friday"...
Ron looked even more excited now.
Mcgonagall announced.."May I please get your attention? Tomorrow We will all go to Honeydukes as Hogwarts tradition"...
Ron said.."This is my favorite time of year! I have enough allowance to buy
4 milk chocolate wands!"...Hermione looked at me..."Um,Ronald,You shouldn't use all of your money on chocolate wands,and don't use too much of your money on sweets"..
"One chocolate wand then,and 3 more sweets."...Hermione sighed.."Alright,I'll get the levitating sherbet balls..Harry?"...
"I don't know yet,I'm mostly thinking of getting presents.."..
He was think of presents for everyone.
Being distracted,He didn't notice The Slytherin Prince staring at him...

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