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I woke up to the sound of my alarm clock going off. Making sure I hit snooze instead of dismiss, I slept for another 5 minutes until, it went off again and that was when I decided to actually get up.

Once I did my morning routine, I went downstairs to the kitchen. So, I could at least get something to eat while walking to school.

" How did you even get pregnant? I mean, weren't you away at camp over the summer? " Trey asked.

" It was only for 7 weeks. I came back on my birthday, which was July 22nd. School didn't start for me until, middle-late August. " I replied.

" Whose is the baby father? " Trey asked.

" You know, the one your dad can' t stand. Well, I have to go now before I really be late for school. " I replied.


Everything that I had ate earlier was just now starting to come back up. I hated being in this stage of pregnancy. The baby seemed to dislike any of the food that I like. Especially, seafood.

" You really shouldn't be carrying that. " Denise said, referring to my backpack.

" Don't worry, it isn't heavy. At most, all I have in here is just one book and two notebooks. " I explained.

" Have you talked to Donald yet? " Denise asked.

" The last time we spoke was when he found out that I was pregnant at my doctor's appointment. He said, I acted as if I was trying to hide my pregnancy from him. " I replied.

" Well, technically you were trying to at first. " She said.

" I wasn't trying to get rid of it. Just trying to wait until, it was a good time to tell my parents at least. All they ever do is argue now. " I said.

" About? " Denise asked.

" I have no idea. But, now I'm pretty sure it's about how they're going to be able to take care of another child in the house. " I replied.

" Just give them time. They will probably come around when it is time for the baby to be born. " She said.

" My parents?? No way, if anything they will keep bring up the same old thing. I doubt it. " I explained.


" Why haven't you been answering your phone? I called you like over 20 times at least. " Donald asked.

" I'm not avoiding you or anything like that. I've just been tired and if you hadn't notice, I'm on punishment because, of you. " I closed my locker, getting my books for my first class.

" This wasn't exactly my idea, you think that I wanted you to have a baby during the beginning of my senior year? " He questioned.

" At least, you get to graduate next year, I'm stuck here until at least, '99. " I replied.

" Anyway, I'm going to make everything up to you. So, you'll stop ignoring my calls. You want me to bring the money tomorrow? " He asked.

" I don't care. " I replied, walking quickly down the hallway.

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