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" You already know how your auntie is. She will instantly go off on you, if she finds out the truth about where you really went. " Jade explained.

" She isn't going to find out. I'll just have to make up something when she asks me. " I tried to convince her.

" It's late alright, and both of us have school tomorrow. I'm going to get some rest and I hope you do the same because, our cheerleading practice will be after school tomorrow. " Jade sighed.


" Have you thought about what we talked about earlier? " Cedric asked me.

" I have. Maybe, it is best that you drive me back home. I don't want to get in trouble for staying out too late. " I replied.

" The last thing I want is for you to get in trouble. I just thought it would be a good idea for us to spend quality time together, get to know each other. " He said.

" There will be other times, baby. But, you already know how she is. I'm not even supposed to have a boyfriend, yet I'm risking everything to be even dealing with you. " I said.

" Do you have any plans this weekend? " He asked.

" Sorry, I'm stuck babysitting my baby cousins this weekend. You know how that goes. " I replied.

" Just call me, if anything changes. " He said.

" I doubt it. Goodnight. " I kissed him before getting out of the car.


" I thought I made it clear that I didn't want to date anyone right now. " She said.

" He's my friend, Auntie. And what is the big deal if we was dating? Everyone else I know does it. " I asked.

" Girl, I don't care what everyone else does. I am your guardian and I promised your mother before she passed away that I will make sure to keep you out of trouble and take care of you. " She lectured.

" But, I'm 17 and you still treat me like a little kid sometimes. " I said.

" I wouldn't have to, if you would stop acting like one. Now, you can either go up to your room like I suggest you do or stay and continue to argue with me. " She said.

" I cannot stand this house. " I slammed my bedroom door hard enough to wake everyone in the house.

" Don't be slamming anything in my house! You're not going to end up pregnant, You're going to nursing school to get a good paying job. Now that is final, Missy. " She yelled loud enough that I heard her from downstairs.

" Hmph! That's what you think. " I said.

Suddenly, I don't feel as nearly upset as I did when I had that argument with my aunt. Looking back at old photos when I was a little kid, the one that caught my eye was that time when my mom had first came back from rehab.

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Also, Jade is played by Aaliyah. 🌺

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