chapter one, make it dark 🍩

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sway bitches + some hoes 🧁

unknown added ***-***-****

unknown: come on jaden, that's not griff

unknown: it isn't? oh shit.. it isn't.

unknown: omg jaden you fucktard 🤣

unknown: shut up bryce

unknown: rude 😩

unknown: does it atleast talk?

unknown: apperently not

rihanna's point of view

i scoffed at my phone from being added to a random groupchat full of guys who already seem like assholes. especially whoever bryce is. but whatever, i'm just gonna ask dad to bring me home some chocolate.

me: hey dad, it's been kind of a long day.. can you get me some chocolate
make it dark?

unknown: awkward..

me: oh shitt, sorry haha

unknown: all good, what's your name?

i decide to ignore them because i really didn't want to deal with people right now, and i texted dad and made sure it was him. he said ok and said he would pick us some pizza too which was good. it was just me my dad and brother, it was family night and we all went to surprise mom and walked in on her having sex with another man. which dad then kicked her out and we went to court to decide me and jeremy staying with dad.

once dad was home we all went to the table and ate together. we were a pretty close family, didn't keep many secrets and always did family stuff together. we haven't seen mom since when it happned 3 years ago, i was 17 and my brother was 15. it shcoked us all and didn't want anything to do with her so we moved to kentucky, where dad grew up.

after dinner i went up to my room, which was decently nice being as dad found a good job working for an old buddy. i had a queen sized bed with a gorgeous pink duvet and matching pillowcases and two white bedside tables. my tv was mounted on the wall with a tapestry behind it. i got a silk two piece from my dresser and went to the washroom.

i got into the shower and let the water soak into my hair and put my honey shampoo in, i massaged my scalp and washed the shampoo out. i our conditioner in and washed it out then shaved in the places that needed to be shaved.

once i was out of my shower the group chat had a lot of texts spamming trying to get me to say who i was so once i was in my bed and got my prison break on i decided to answer.

unknown: hellooo??

unknown: she isn't gonna answer

unknown: she might.

unknown: ok buddy 🤣🤣

unknown: i'm gonna make it my best friend

unknown: you say that about everyone cynthia

unknown: oops, is she gonna fucking answer lmao

me: the names rhianna, don't like being called a it, just saying

unknown: and so it speaks, i'm bryce

unknown: cynthia

unknown: avani

unknown: kio

unknown: jaden

unknown: griffin

unknown: josh

unknown: madi

unknown: anthony

anthony, madi, josh, griffin, jaden, josh, bryce, cynthia, avani, kio, changed unknown to rhianna!

(im too lazy to write it just say she changed their names.)

a/n: first chap lol it's short ik i'm just tired it's currently 6:27am and day idk of quarintine, don't forget to sleep and hydrate !! 🤯🧊

make it dark, bryce hallWhere stories live. Discover now