Chapter 4

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Jungkook's POV

Jungkook and the others were practicing their dance routine when suddenly Jungkook put up his hand, indicating for everyone to stop and be quiet.

"Can you hear that?" He asked.

The others listened intently. They could hear a sweet voice singing along to their music.

Jungkook moved towards the door.

"She's singing" he said with a smile.

He delicately opened the door.

Chloe's POV

It was only then that I realised the music had stopped playing. I clamped my mouth shut. I could feel eyes on me. I slowly turned around to find the boys bundled together in the doorway, watching me. I wanted to disappear, but unfortunately, that wasn't an option.

"You heard that, didn't you?" I asked.

They all nodded. It took everything within me not to run away and hide.

"Any chance we could forget this happened?" I asked, clutching at straws.

"No can do. Your voice was too good to forget" Jin said, shaking his finger in the air.

"Please guys" I pleaded.

"But your voice is really nice" Jimin added sweetly.

"You don't have to lie" I said.

"Jimin never lies, and we all agree with him, right guys?" Taehyung said.

Everyone nodded once more in agreement.

"Aw thanks guys" I replied, not knowing how to deal with their compliments.


As I spent more time with Jungkook each day, I felt like we were getting closer. I started to appreciate his small habits. The little things he did each day that made me smile regardless of how bad my day had gone.

He was dedicated to his music but still made time to study with me. His determination and hard work made me like him even more. When I thought about it, my whole outlook on life had changed since meeting him. I had been stuck in a loop, but he freed me.

Every time I saw him, my heart warmed. I'd never felt anything like this before. These emotions were alien to me.


Jungkook's POV

Jungkook flicked through his notes for the upcoming exam. He smiled at the small comments written along the edge of the paper in neat handwriting. The thought of her smile and the way her eyes shone like pools of honey in the sunshine brought him happiness.

He really cared about his hyungs, but this was the first time he'd felt this way about a girl. He didn't quite understand what these emotions meant.

Why does she have this effect on me? He thought to himself. What is this feeling?


Chloe's POV

The results of our exam were released.

Jungkook looked down at his paper with a difficult expression to read.

"Well?" I asked.

His face lit up.

"I got an A!" he proclaimed.

Suddenly, he put his hands on my waist. I froze in place, probably seeming like a deer in headlights. He laughed slightly and, without warning, he picked me up and spun me around. I couldn't help but laugh with him. After a few moments, he put me back down.

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